Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Drinking Age Should Be At Age 21 Essay

Many American adults assume that drinking age must be age 21, because starting to drink alcohol early would have a lot of negative consequences such as having more car accidents, risks of lungs cancers, and so on. On the other hand, some American teenagers also believe if the law allowed the underage drinking, we would have several car accidents, which happens every day. In the article â€Å"Heavy Drinking on College Campuses: No Reason to Change Minimum Legal Drinking Age of 21,† Drew K. Saylor shows what bad if you drink alcohol underage is, and Saylor says, â€Å"There was also evidence of a â€Å"trickle-down† effect on alcohol-related crashes among drivers, with the ratio of the alcohol-related crash rate before and after the policy change 14% larger for 15- to 17-year-old males and 24% larger for females in the same age range† (332). But I do not deny drinking alcohol helps some people to cope with stress, and helps people to become more open in contrast to when they are sober and proper; alcohol can bring people together to share stories as well. At the same time I believe that the drinking age should not lower than 21, because I believe most of car accidents often occur by drunk drivers. I agree with Drew K. Saylor that the law must not change about the drinking age, and those teenagers should stop using alcohol underage rather than arguing and debating about lowering the drinking age. Drinking alcohol immature is the common the importance issue in the United States, and it is often said that drinking alcohol affects the moral behaviors, especially when you are drunk. At the underage, it will be terrible because at that age, these teenagers have more influences from the outside environment such as learning those terrible things from friends. In one hand, I agree with Marisa M. Silveri that those teenagers drink alcohol because they might be influenced by the history of the alcohol dipsomania family, who always use alcohol like use water, because either they want to relax or they have mental disturbance. On the other hand, I still insist that drinking alcohol is not healthy, especially when more damages happen  for those underage people. In addition, you always see most of the alcohol drinkers who are often violent to other people because those drinkers cannot control their behaviors and their actions when they are drunk. Therefore, in the article â€Å"Alcohol-Related Brain Damage In Humans,† Amaia M. Erdozain and other authors believe that using alcohol damages the cells, the tissues, the organs, and other systems in the brains, and they explain, â€Å"H & E staining and light microscopy of prefrontal cortex tissue revealed a reduction in the levels of cytoskeleton surrounding the nuclei of cortical and subcortical neurons, and a disruption of subcortical neuron patterning in alcoholic subjects.† In short, I will briefly note, drinking alcohol will not be great like those American teenagers think, because alcohol will damage their brains’ tissues and will influence to their moral behaviors. To today, people still forget that drinking alcohol would have several benefits and several harms. Some American people believe that drinking alcohol decreases the risk of the cardiovascular disease, prevents us to get sick from the cold, increases our memories, and prevents us from the galls tones and the diabetes. However, people should know how to drink alcohol moderately instead of unlimitedly consuming it. What I am trying to say here is that drinking alcohol not only brings some disadvantages but also brings some advantages, and people may not blame any awful things to alcohol because the evidence shows that drinking booze moderately will help you prevent from several diseases, which you may not know before. Although not all Americans think alike, some of them will probably dispute my claims that some American people cannot moderate their behaviors when they are drunk or not drunk. In fact, all of those evidences I say do not mean that the law should allow the underage to drink alcohol. In the article â€Å"Will Increasing Alcohol Availability By Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Decrease Drinking and Related Consequences Among Youths?†, Henry Wechsler and Nelson F. Toben compare and describe to prove that the law has no reasons to change the drinking age to 21 like they says, â€Å"Evidence supporting the minimum legal drinking age of 21 years is strong and growing. A wide range of empirically supported interventions is available to reduce underage drinking.† At first glance, teenagers might say that alcohol is still a natural medicine to help them prevents from several diseases. But on closer inspection, drinking alcohol can destroy the lungs and the livers, can damage the brain which  lead us to not have any control of our behaviors when we are drunk. According to these evidences, I would like to repeat again that teenagers have to moderate when they use alcohol. You would think that the advertisements cannot affect the underage drinking alcohol to American teenagers, but you are completely wrong because those advertisements are very interested in. I believe that teenagers are still young, and they also want to explore about their lives. In the article â€Å"Do Time Restrictions On Alcohol Advertising Reduce Youth Exposure?,† Craig S. Ross, Avalon Bruijn, and David Jernigan show people know how to buy and drink alcohol because of the influencing advertisements from the television and the radio. In the other words, Ross, Bruijn, and David believe that people are too easy to be fooled, so those advertisement can abuse the weakness to convince people to buy their products, alcohol as the authors say, â€Å"This study uses simulation analysis and comprehensive database of television alcohol advertising to demonstrate that time restrictions are likely to reduce advertising exposure to the youngest viewers while increasing exposure for the high-risk teenage population.† Yet, is it necessarily true that American teenagers will not use alcohol if those advertisements did not appear? Is making those advertisements disappear would be possible? Ultimately, what is at stake here is that teenagers must be aware of alcohol advertisements from the radio and the television. However, I’ve always believed that American teenagers can buy every kind of alcohol at every where easily; some of them might go to ask for help from friends and parents. In the article â€Å"Assessing the Predictive Ability of The Transtheoretical Model’s Heavy Episodic Drinking Constructs Among a Population of Underage Students,† Rose Marie Ward and Hugo Josef Schielke says that some teenagers can buy alcohol at any stores because some sellers are not careful enough about asking to show the teenagers’ ID cards. For instance, Paul Willner and Gavin Rowe emphasize, â€Å"However, a comparison of the present data with earlier data on actual alcohol sales . . . photographs were used in the present study, suggests that only around half of underage alcohol sales can be accounted for by misperceptions of age.† I encourage that th e law should be more restricted for buying alcohol underage .Of course, many American teenagers will disagree on the grounds of drinking underage. After all, I recommend that the law must be more restricted in selling alcohol for teenagers. Although I  grant that drinking alcohol is horrible, I still maintain that drinking alcohol below than age 21 has many negatives effects, and it is the only way to lead those teenagers to the social issues such as using drugs, and risky sexual practices. Michael T. McKay, C. Cole Jon, and Harry Sumnall believes that most of American teenagers would like to negotiate about drinking alcohol with their parents, but in fact the percentage of those most teenagers, who negotiate with their parents, is really small. Michael T. McKay, C. Cole Jon, and Harry Sumnall say that those teenagers would have taught by their parents instead of forcing or saying bad things about drinking alcohol even though the benefits of drinking alcohol are still having in today’s world. In the article â€Å"Teenage thinking on teenage drinking: 15- to 16-year olds’ experiences of alcohol in Northern Ireland,† Michael T. McKay, C. Cole Jon, and Harry Sumnall says, â€Å"First, they believed that asking questions or being open about their behavior would result in negative consequences† (328). At the same time, I believe that those teenagers will receive several negative consequences from their parents if those teenagers ask for drinking alcohol underage. My view, however, contrary to what Michael T. McKay, C. Cole Jon, and Harry Sumnall have argued, is that the minimum of alcohol drinking age must be at age 21. These findings have important implications for the broader domain of the next generation’s future because those next generations might learn what they see from the old generation do. But is my proposal evidence enough to prove? Christopher A. Swann, Sheran Michelle, and Phelps Diana apparently observe the students from Harvard College, New York, and they prove that the proportion of underage drinking of having parents is less than not having parents. The evidence show how important the parents will affect to their children in their lifetime. In the article â€Å"Underage alcohol policies across 50 California cities: an assessment of best practices,† Sue Thomas talks about the underage drinking at every state in the United State. Therefore, Thomas did a study about drinking age. In this study, Thomas sees that the improvement of controlling limitation for the underage is better, but it still is not great enough. In the other hand, Thomas and I believe that the law has to be more restricted in the underage drinking. In the article â€Å"Factors associated with reductions in alcohol use between high school and college: an analysis of data from the College Alcohol Study,† Christopher A.  Swann, Sheran Michelle, and Phelps Diana say, â€Å"A number of characteristics were related to reductions in drinking. Students whose fathers did not attend college were more likely to reduce alcohol consumption (odds ratio [OR] =1.28; 95% . . . .† To sum up, what is at stake here is the history of the family and the social outside environment are the most common which caused in increasing the underage drinking. So far we have been talking about the disadvantages and advantages of the underage drinking. But isn’t it the real issue here for the solution of the underage drinking? At the same time I believe families play a big role in preventing the underage drinking, simply because they’re the closest and the most influential factor, I also believe that parents can talk with their children about drinking alcohol regarding their expectations, limits and its dangerous effect. In the article â€Å"Talking with Kids Deters Underage Drinking,† USA Today Magazine states, â€Å"There are also many things that parents can do in their communities to help reduce underage drinking. . . . Parents can also help eliminate alcohol advertising in their neighborhoods, and make sure that adult siblings don’t provide alcohol for their younger brothers and sisters.† In addition, Jessica Malanjum and Robert Di Nicolantonio explain that parents can have a better understanding in c onversations with their children to know more about whom their children spend time with during their free time; the pressure the peers are putting on their children are very important. Hence, what you talk does not have as many impacts as what you do. The families themselves have to be the role model for their children. They have to pledge not to give alcohol to the underage teenagers. As a result, the drinking age should not be lower than age 18 because underage drinking has several negative consequences such as having more car accidents and risks of lungs cancers. Drew K. Saylor says that these teenagers should stop using alcohol underage instead of arguing and debating to lower the drinking age. At first glance, teenagers might say that alcohol is still a natural medicine to help them prevents from several diseases. But on closer inspection that drinking alcohol can destroy the lungs and liver, damage the brain, and has no control the behavior when you are drunk. Moreover, Amaia M. Erdozain and other authors believe that drinking alcohol will damages the brain tissues and influences to the moral behaviors. At the  same time I believe families play a big role in preventing the underage drinking, simply because they’re the closest and the most influential factor, I also believe that parents can talk with their children about drinking alcohol regarding you r expectation, limits and its dangerous effect. Works cited Erdozain, Amaia M., et al. â€Å"Alcohol-Related Brain Damage In Humans.† Plos ONE 9.4 (2014): 1-12. Web. 8 May 2014. Jones, Sandra C., Lance Barrie, and Nina Berry. â€Å"Why (Not) Alcohol Energy Drinks? A Qualitative Study with Australian University Students.† Drug & Alcohol Review 31.3 (2012): 281-287. Web. 8 May 2014. Malanjum, Jessica, and Robert Di Nicolantonio. â€Å"Absence Of Correlation Between The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat’s Exaggerated Preference For Sweet And Alcohol Drinking Solutions.† Clinical & Experimental Hypertension 31.4 (2009): 287-297. Web. 9 May 2014. McKay, Michael T., Jon C. Cole, and Harry Sumnall. â€Å"Teenage Thinking On Teenage Drinking: 15- To 16-Year Olds’ Experiences Of Alcohol In Northern Ireland.† Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 18.5 (2011): 323-332.Web. 8 May 2014. Ross, Craig S., Avalon Bruijn, and David Jernigan. â€Å"Do Time Restrictions On Alcohol Advertising Reduce Youth Exposure?†. Journal of Public Affairs (14723891) 13.1 (2013): 123-129. Web. 8 May 2014. Saylor, Drew K. â€Å"Heavy Drinking On College Campuses: No Reason to Change Minimum Legal Drinking Age of 21.† Journal of American College Health 59.4 (2011): 330-333. Web. 8 May 2014. Siciliano, Valeria, et al. â€Å"Evaluation of Drinking Patterns and Their Impact on Alcohol-Related Aggression: A National Survey of Adolescent Behaviours.† BMC Public Health 13.1 (2013): 13-30. Web. 8 May 2014. Silveri, Marisa M. â€Å"Adolescent Brain Development and Underage Drinking In the United States: Identifying Risks of Alcohol Use in College Populations.† Harvard Review Of Psychiatry (Taylor & Francis Ltd) 20.4 (2012): 189-200. Web. 8 May 2014. Swann, Christopher A., Michelle Sheran, and Diana Phelps. â€Å"Factors Associated With Reductions In Alcohol Use Between High School And College: An Analysis Of Data From The College Alcohol Study.† Substance Abuse & Rehabilitation 5. (2014): 13-23. Web. 8 May 2014. â€Å"Talking with Kids Deters Underage Drinking.† USA Today Magazine 129, no. 2667 (December 2000): 5, EBSCOhost (accessed May 9, 2014). Thomas, Sue, et al. â€Å"Underage Alcohol Policies across 50 California Cities: An Assessment Of Best Practices.† Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention & Policy 7.(2012): 26-39. Web. 8 May 2014. Ward, Rose Marie, and Hugo Josef Schielke. â€Å"Assessing the Predictive Ability Of The Transtheoretical Model’s Heavy Episodic Drinking Constructs Among a Population Of Underage Students.† Substance Use & Misuse 46.9 (2011): 1179-1189. Web. 8 May 2014. Wechsler, Henry, and Toben F. Nelson. â€Å"Will Increasing Alcohol Availability by Lowering The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Decrease Drinking and Related Consequences amongWillner, Paul, and Gavin Rowe. â€Å"Alcohol Servers’ Estimates of Young People’s Ages.† Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 8.4 (2001): 375-383. Web. 8 May 2014.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sponsorship Proposal

Executive Summary In an effort to promote the h. h. gregg brand, we are becoming the official sponsors of two minor league baseball leagues. The two leagues are the Eastern League and the South Atlantic league. In becoming the sponsors of these two leagues, we will be able to raise awareness, expand our customer database, drive customers into our retail stores, and increase sales. Our wide range of promotions will ensure the success of this marketing partnership. These promotions include h. h. regg fireworks night, scoreboard signage, raffles for TV giveaway, and advertising on social media networks as well as on the team and league websites. There will also be in-game promotions that will include a free t-shirt giveaway, an h. h. gregg kiosk located at every stadium, in-game announcements on the PA system, and our â€Å"h. h. says† game. With powerhouse competitors such as Best Buy and Wal-Mart, this partnership will increase exposure of our brand over a large geographic loca tion. Partnership Description Minor Leagues General Information Baseball is known as â€Å"America’s Favorite Pastime. However, there is a vast difference between Major League Baseball and Minor League Baseball. As a result of inconsistent product quality at the Minor League level, minor league franchises are forced to explore other strategies to attract spectators to the game. Minor league games are known to be a â€Å"Family Friendly† environment, which is suitable for our â€Å"target market. † The season starts in the beginning of April and runs to the middle of September with a 4-team playoff following the regular season. The South Atlantic League and Eastern League brought in a combined attendance of over 7 million spectators in 2012.There are 26 teams between the two leagues and each has a total of 68 home games. With the promise of lengthy brand exposure over a wide array of cities, partnering with these respective minor leagues will prove to be a valua ble marketing decision and help achieve our objectives. Eastern League The Eastern League is a Double-A minor league affiliate that was founded in 1923. There are a total of 12 teams that are all located along the east coast. Their attendance throughout the whole season totaled 3. 8 million people in 2012. South Atlantic League The South Atlantic League is a Single-A minor league affiliate that was founded in 1980.There are a total of 14 teams that are located in the Southeast region. Their attendance throughout the whole season was 3. 2 million people in 2012. Proposal Objective There are several objectives that we believe can be achieved through this sponsorship and will greatly benefit our organization. The primary objectives that we want to focus on are raising awareness of h. h. gregg, expanding our customer database, driving customers into our retail stores, and increasing sales. We believe these objectives can be fulfilled through the promotions we have developed. Most people have heard of our competitors such as Best Buy and Sears.Not everyone has the same knowledge about h. h. gregg, which is why one of our main goals is to increase brand awareness. H. h. gregg fireworks night is one of our promotions that will increase awareness of our brand and also bring people into the stadiums where we will have other in-game promotions. We will also have advertisements on social media networks such as â€Å"Facebook† and the league and team websites. Another promotion in our sponsorship is scoreboard signage. This will ensure exposure of our brand to anyone who attends a game. Expanding our customer database is another objective we can accomplish through this sponsorship.With our h. h. gregg kiosk that will be located in each of the 26 stadiums, it will give our employees a chance to interact 1-on-1 with adults in the stadium and give them the opportunity to sign up for coupons and giveaways by providing their personal information. Driving customers to th e store and increasing sales go hand in hand. Our free t-shirt giveaway is one of our promotions that will get customers to the store and buying our products. With a gift card to h. h. gregg found in some of the t-shirts given to the fans, this will encourage customers to buy a product using their gift card.Also, with our 60’ TV raffle, it will get customers into our retail stores knowing they will have a chance to win a 60’ television. Who influences parents more than their children? With our â€Å"H. H. says† game, it will give the children a chance to compete for a coupon that will give them $10 off any video game. If a child wins the coupon, they will push for their parents to take them to the store and possibly buy a product. Perfect Match We feel the sponsorship of the Eastern League and South Atlantic League are great matches for h. h. gregg and will successfully help to achieve our most important objective, which is to increase sales.The main reason why we feel this sponsorship is appealing to h. h. gregg is because of the geographic location of the leagues. H. h. gregg retail stores are mainly located along the east coast and the Mideast region. The reason why we chose these particular leagues is due to the fact that every team is located near an h. h. gregg retail store. With h. h. gregg retail stores being located nearby, it will encourage the fans that attend the games and receive coupons and giveaways through our promotions to come to our retail store and buy our products.Also, with the sponsorship of 26 teams in 26 different cities, it helps increase awareness and exposure all throughout the east coast and Mideast region. Promotions Throughout h. h. gregg’s promotional campaign with the Southern and Atlantic league, we will have multiple promotions which optimize the chance of creating awareness for our appliances and electronics. Our goal is to have the maximum impact on a large sample size of people. Our promotions w ill be spread out across 26 different stadiums with a $2 million budget. Fireworks In order to draw customers to the stadium, we had to look at the motivation from an h. . gregg consumer point-of-view, which are families. So to accommodate the likability of children we decided to sponsor a fireworks night for all teams within the league on Friday night home games. There should be approximately 12 home Friday night games per team within the league. This means that with 26 teams amongst two leagues, our fireworks will attract families to the stadium 288 times more per season. With an average stadium attendance of 1,300 people, the purpose of our fireworks night is mainly to have an element of the baseball game to market to families who are most likely susceptible to buying h. . gregg products. Once we have families visiting the game, they will be introduced to other promotions inside the stadium to make them more familiar with h. h. gregg. T-shirt toss during Fireworks On firework nig hts, employees of the stadium will be throwing 30 t-shirts into the crowd during the fireworks. These T-shirts will have a variable amount of gift cards in the center. Some t-shirts will possess a gift card in the middle of the folded shirt, while others will not, but the total amount of money given out in the form of gift cards will be $200 per firework night.The $200 total gift card giveaway amount will be divided up in increments of $5-$25. The design of the T-shirts themselves will include the specific team’s logo of which the stadium belongs to (home team). Also, on the back of the T-shirt, we will include the classic h. h. gregg logo which will be proportionate in size to the team’s logo on the front. The main purpose of this promotion is to increase awareness of h. h. gregg by encouraging patrons to seek out the kiosk for more details and inevitably stop at the h. h. gregg stores to spend the gift card as a fraction of a larger sum to be spent. Scoreboard signag eSignage on the scoreboard at each stadium is a key component to raising awareness. Since the scoreboard is often looked at during the game, having our 8Ãâ€"30† sign, which will be the largest sign in the stadium, will distinguish itself from other ads and show our scale of contribution to the spectators. Given that everyone who attends the game glances at the scoreboard, this promotion will ensure brand awareness to the spectators. Kiosk Within 30 ft of the turnstiles entering the minor league stadiums, we plan to set up a technology and appliance sampling center for families to observe and become familiar with the unique pricing h. . gregg has to offer. This appliance and technology kiosk will be backed with game consoles for children to sample with the newest games and software available. This will allow time for our associates of h. h. gregg to fully educate the parents on the deals and value they can expect from h. h. gregg. Social networking Minor league baseball games have a following from families looking to maximize their experience for the average â€Å"Friday night out† with the kids. To embrace the already strong following of the minor league teams, we plan to parallel h. h. gregg with the minor league baseball experience.To do this, h. h. gregg will advertise all schedules for teams within the South Atlantic League and Eastern League on their Facebook page. â€Å"Liking† a particular team or league will keep people up-to-date with their team’s wins and losses and allow h. hgregg to target advertising efforts directly towards fans. Most importantly, the â€Å"likes† generated from fans liking their favorite team will ultimately go toward the h. h. gregg corporation to help advertising exposure on Facebook. The Facebook algorithm allows for businesses that have a high number of likes to be more easily searchable and have a higher presence onFacebook as well. The most important concept of posting team schedules and activities on h. h. gregg’s Facebook pages is to create traffic to the page, as well as â€Å"likes,† promote further promotions like fireworks and tech sampling, and lastly, make h. h. gregg in these regions synonymous with minor league baseball to create awareness. Website Advertisement & Commercials H. h. gregg will have advertisements and commercials on the Eastern League and South Atlantic Leagues Websites as well as on all 26 team websites. The advertisements will allow consumers who are interested in h. . gregg's products click directly to there web site, which is www. hhgregg. com. The purpose of these advertisements is to increase awareness of h. h. gregg's products. Having direct links to h. h. gregg's website will also help increase the number of times the site is viewed. This should get more potential customers interested in h. h. gregg's products and increase online sales. As h. h. gregg's Marketing Team, we want to create a commercial for the Eastern Leag ue and a separate commercial for the South Atlantic League.This will allow the fans visiting the website recognize the players from there local leagues and teams. We will not show our commercial on TV because minor league baseball games are typically not shown on television. Instead, we are choosing to show our commercial over the Internet where the minor league teams are advertised. This is also a cheaper rout and allows us to reach more Eastern League and South Atlantic League Fans. h. h. Says h. h. Says is an in-game promotion that is similar to the kids game â€Å"Simon Says†. The marketing team will select 5 kids out of the crowd to play â€Å"h. . Says† on the field near the home teams dugout after the 5th inning is complete. The winner will receive a $10. 00 gift certificate toward any video game. The winner can use gift certificate at any h. h. gregg store. The gift certificate will expire in 14 days which will give kids and parents enough time to get to there local h. h. gregg store. The purpose of this promotion is for fans to become more aware of h. h. gregg. The winner of â€Å"h. h. Says† will be excited about their gift certificate and urging parents to take them to a store so they can use there gift certificate.This will help get more potential buyers into the stores, as well as buying our products, even if it is partially paid with a gift certificate. 60† TV Raffle Two 60-inch TVs will be raffled off per team. Since there are 26 teams total, we will be raffling off a total of 52 60-inch TVs. Any fan who attends a minor league game in the Eastern League or the South Atlantic League can enter to win. On the back of there ticket stub will be a information sheet asking the fans name, address, email, and phone number. The first TV per team will be given out on July 1st, 2013 which is about the midseason point.The second TV per team will be given out on September 20th, 2013 which is at the end of the season. Everyone who en ters the raffle will be put in our customer database to receive coupons and sale papers. The purpose of the 60-inch TV raffle promotion is to get potential customers to h. h. gregg stores. Once they are in the store, there is a possibility they might stay, look around, and purchase items. This promotion also helps us expand and build our customer database so we can keep more people informed about our products as well as offer them special coupons.Announcements Announcements about h. h. greggs products and promotions in the stadium will be made before and various times throughout the game. Information about our h. h. gregg Kiosk will be announced before each game and after the 1st inning. Information about h. h. gregg fireworks night will be announced before each game and after the 2nd inning is complete. This is one of our most heavily advertised promotions; therefore, we want to announce it early so that we can make sure the fans who are late hear it as well as the fans who want to leave early.Information about the 60-inch TV raffle will be announced before the game and again after the 3rd inning. The â€Å"h. h. Says† game will be announced as it is being performed on the field after the 5th inning. Information about how to get to the teams social media page and website will also be announced. We want people to visit these websites because this is where our commercial will be located. The purpose of these advertisements is to build awareness of h. h. gregg’s promotions with the Eastern League and the South Atlantic League. Measuring Return on Investment: Fireworks NightFriday Night Fireworks’ success as a promotion will be measured in terms of the number of fans that are exposed to our brand through its association with the event. More specifically, the number of tickets sold for a given fireworks night represents the number of fans made aware of h. h. gregg, increasing brand exposure. Comparisons drawn between attendance numbers on Frid ay night games that do not feature fireworks and those that do will help determine how many fans are more likely to attend games featuring the post-game show, and as a result are exposed to our brand. Free T-ShirtThe lucky fans that catch one of our free T-shirts with attached gift certificates will be more inclined to come to one of our stores than if they had not received such giveaways. Therefore, the total redeemed coupons will tell us how many customers were brought into h. h. gregg as a result of this specific promotional activity. Furthermore, the number of sales garnered as a result of the promotion can also be quantified by the amount of redeemed coupons. Scoreboard Signs Similar to fireworks night, measuring ROI for our on field signage will be done in terms of increased awareness, more specifically attendance numbers.The amount of paid attendants for a given game (or the average for a season) can also be used to display the amount of people that will be exposed to our bra nd through the scoreboard signage. Because of its strategic placement, the chance that the vast majority of attendants will see our sign is much greater (since the scoreboard is often an area that fans turn their attention to throughout the course of a game). Social Media Placing our advertisement on social media sites, more specifically team and league Facebook pages, gives us the opportunity to run our ad 24/7, as opposed to traditional TV run ads.To measure such exposure we can use the amount of â€Å"likes† that our ads receive on the team/league Facebook page(s). In addition, because our ad will be viewed by all those that visit the page, the number of hits a page containing our ad(s) receives is also indicative of the approximate number of views for said ad(s). These measurements also are specific to increasing awareness for our brand. Team/League Website Ads Similar to social media, the implementation of our ads on team and league websites will allow the commercial to be more likely to reach a greater amount of potential consumers.The exposure to our brand through our ads can also be measured by totaling the number of hits the websites we are advertising on receive. In addition to such info, we will also recognize the amount of people that are drawn to h. h. gregg’s website by our ads with the number of â€Å"clicks† our ad(s) receive. In-Game Kiosks The h. h. gregg informational kiosk is aimed at serving more than one objective, the first being the increase in awareness. Although a ticket sales count may tell how many people could possibly visit our kiosk, such a statistic cannot be proven or verified easily.Therefore, we decided to use the e-mail sign up sheet provided at each kiosk as an indication of how many people definitely came to our kiosk, and as a result realized an increase in awareness for h. h. gregg and our offerings. The sign up sheet will be an exact measure of the kiosk’s success in adding to our existing ma rketing database, which will be done by counting the number of e-mails collected from any given game (or season total). â€Å"h. h. says† The family-friendly â€Å"hh says† promotion serves all of our objectives in different ways that can be explained through fan attendance and recorded sales information.Just as with many of the prior promotions that increased awareness, the â€Å"h. h. Says† event’s ability to do so can be measured through the amount of tickets sold to games featuring said event. The children that are lucky enough to receive the video game discount prize will more than likely use the discounts when they make a purchase; the total sales recorded as involving the discount coupon(s) received from this promotion gives us an idea of the increase in sales resulting from this promotion.This number also gives us a rough estimate of the amount of consumers that set foot in our store because of the â€Å"h. h. Says† contest. 60’ Tele vision Giveaway The television giveaway promotion is supposed to get more people into our actual store and simultaneously contribute to our database marketing system. To explain further, each ticket representing a raffle ticket will include an area for personal information of the respective ticket buyer to be submitted with the â€Å"raffle† ticket in-store.By making it necessary for the raffle tickets to be dropped in one of our locations rather than allowing online submission will force consumers to visit our store, the total being measured by the amount of tickets that were submitted for our drawing. In-Game Announcements The announcement of our affiliation with the Eastern League, along with the promotional announcements, will serve the purpose of increasing fans’ awareness of not only our brand itself but our offerings at the stadium as well.Evaluation of success in doing-so will be on the basis of total fan attendance, and more specifically fan attendance for giv en promotions on their designated night(s). For example, if attendance is usually higher on fireworks night than a night that does not offer the post-game show, then exposure benefits will also change in accordance since we are measuring success through attendance. Pricing (See Exhibit A for a more detailed budget) Establishing h. h. gregg’s new partnership with the Eastern League and South Atlantic League is allotted a $2 million budget.The following shows the cost of each component associated with this new partnership: Budget Per Team * h. h. gregg Fireworks Night: $40,000 * Scoreboard Sign: $8,000 * h. h. gregg Kiosk: $8,800 * Social Media, Website ; Commercial: $7,000 * h. h. Says: $680 * 60† TV Raffle: $2,000 * T-Shirt Shooting: $6,000 * Announcements: $2,000 Total: $74,480 Total Portion of Budget: $1,936,480 Budget For Everyone * Social Media and Website- $8,000 * Playoff and Extra Fund- $55,520 Total Portion of Budget: $63,520 Exhibit A

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment Exploring the Issues Related to the Management

Assignment exploring the issues related to the management of change within clinical practice In this essay I aim firstly to attempt to identify a change in practise I would wish to make and secondly, link this to the theory of change management and leadership management. The vision I would like to implement would be for the Worcester Royal Hospital psychiatric wards to have access to on site gym facilities, and for the psychiatrists to prescribe exercise to all inpatients. Currently exercise is not used widely as an intervention in psychiatric nursing. The Labour government acknowledged that the physical health needs of people with mental health problems had been neglected and that this group need support to access appropriate healthcare and health promotion services (Department of Health, 2009). Over the last ten years there has been progress made regarding the use of exercise in mental health services. In 2004 a research team asked GPs if they would consider prescribing exercise instead of antidepressants for low mood. Only 5% said they would. In a recent follow-up survey in June 2011, the proportion of those willing to prescribe it had risen to 22 %, reflecting a clear shift in attitudes and beliefs (Baker 2001) . However, I personally do not feel this is a large enough rise. From my experience in working in psychiatric wards at this hospital I have observed that exercise is much underused. For example there are no gym facilities and no exercise groups at all. I propose that all psychiatric inpatients should have access to and encouragement to attend physical exercise facilities. This is despite a large body of evidenced based research that has proven exercise can be an intervention to prevent and alleviate mental illnesses. For example, one study of the effects of physical exercise on depression concluded that after sixteen weeks exercise was just as effective as SSRI’s but without any of the side effects. Physical exercise also had the benefit of improving physical health and improving self-esteem through socialising (Craft et al 1997). In order to do this I will need to use change management theory and leadership theory. Change management  is a structured approach to shifting or transitioning  individuals,  teams, and  organizations  from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organizational process aimed at helping employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment In order to implement my change there would be a number of things I would need to consider. Firstly, I would need to consider how my change will be implemented. Ackerman (1997) has distinguished between three types of change: developmental, transitional and transformational. I would need to decide which strategy of change would best suit my vision. I feel it would be best to attempt to carry out a planned transitional change. This is an implementation of a known new state; involving the management of the interim transition state over a controlled period of time. My interim transition stage would be the process of building gym and exercise facilities while training staff capable to work in both psychiatric and exercise fields. This stage would also involve negotiating and finding a way around the administrative, health and safety and policy barriers which I estimate would be the biggest difficulty. My known new state would be encouraging psychiatrists to prescribe exercise and encouraging the service users to make use of the exercise facilities during their time as inpatients. I would define my change as episodic rather than continuous. Episodic can be defined as ‘infrequent, discontinuous and intentional’ (Weick and Quinn 1999). Sometimes termed ‘radical’ or ‘second order’ change, episodic change often involves replacement of one strategy or programme with another. However, once my intervention of exercise has been established I plan to make continuous change to it so as to make incremental improvements to ensure it is as an effective intervention as possible. Another, reason why I plan to use Ackmann’s transitional strategy as a basis for my change is because it has its foundations in the work of Lewin who conceptualised change as a three-stage process which I will explore later (Lewin 1951). When planning a change in the NHS such as this it is necessary to look at change theory models. These will be very relevant when implementing my change. The majority of contemporary research originates from the work of social psychologist Kurt Lewin in the mid-twentieth century. Lewin identifies three stages through which change must proceed before any planned change will become embedded in an organisation or system of working. These are unfreezing, movement and refreezing. I will base my change upon this model. Unfreezing is when I as a change agent proposes a plan for change to the team or organisation. During this stage I will attempt to win over team members who are not keen on my change, I will aim to resolve any anxieties or concerns regarding the change. Cummings and McLennan (2005) claim that an essential leadership role is to understand the different perspectives of individuals and stakeholders and to ‘align the changes to be meaningful for them’. During this stage I will attempt to access the relative merits of the forces for against change such as extent of the proposed change, nature and depth of motivation of stakeholders, and the environment in which change will occur. It is necessary for the driving forces for change to exceed the opposing forces for change, this is essential for change to be successful. As part of this stage it is considered necessary to conduct a force field analysis which I include in my appendices. In summary, I had several large forces for change. One being that exercise in alleviating the symptoms of mental health is supported by a large amount of evidence based research. Another large force for change is that people in mental health services suffer far worse physical health problems than members of the general population. I believe that my planned change or intervention will improve the physical health of this group. In my opinion the biggest force for change is that in times where health care cost demands are outpacing any rise in healthcare budgets, exercise is an intervention that can reduce the demands on the budget. After researching the topic I have concluded that the biggest force against this change would be the set up costs in terms of building facilities and training staff. Provision of physical activity also requires trained and qualified personnel; there is no data on availability, skills and training of staff with competence as exercise specialists and the expertise to treat people with a multitude of mental and physical problems as well as the skills to work in psychiatric settings. (Jones et al 2004). Another force against change would be navigating around administrative and policy rules. In the present culture of our society, procedures including health and safety, liability, manual handling and risk assessments may not allow ‘hospitals’ and ‘on site exercise facilities’ to be compatible. However, despite these concerns I believe I would be able to build up a good degree of teamwork within my team as I believe those I would be leading would be enthusiastic and motivated to make this change a reality. I will also conduct a SWOT analysis as part of this stage. This involves thinking about an organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and using the result to identify priorities for action (Ansoff, 1965). SWOT analysis is a ubiquitous feature of business strategy texts and courses. In a survey of 113 UK companies, Glaister and Falshaw (1999) found that SWOT was one of the most widely used strategic planning tools in current use across a range of sectors. The basic theory of using a SWOT analysis is because it helps an organisation to think about the reasons why they may need a change. I have included a SWOT analysis in my appendices. As part of this initial ‘unfreezing’ stage I will need to be able to gain support of the workforce to make my change successfully, I will need to gain and maintain this support through a mixture of good communication, good interpersonal skills and developing a sense of achievement. Scholtes, (1998) in his trust, respect and affection model identifies trust as arising out of the feeling that leaders or managers both care for their staff and are capable of doing the job. At this unfreezing stage it will my job as leader to help those team members who are not keen on the change to resolve their anxieties or concerns so that they become committed team members. Senge in ‘The Fifth Discipline’ (1990) talks of the difference between commitment, enrolment and compliance, suggesting that while it is more pleasant (and reassuring) to have considerable commitment, it is not necessary for everyone to be as fully signed-up as this. There exist a number of positions along a continuum, along which players may position themselves in response to proposed action and change. These are, in reducing order; commitment, enrolment, genuine compliance, formal compliance, grudging compliance, non-compliance and apathy. Senge suggests analysing what level of support is required from each of the players and directing energy to achieve that, rather than at trying to persuade everybody to ‘commit’ The second stage is movement; this is movement towards accepting the change. At this point I will need to formulate a plan of action and implementation. I would use a Gantt chart to effectively communicate my change management plan. A  Gantt chart  is a type of  bar chart  that illustrates a  project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a  project (Gantt 1910). Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the  work breakdown structure  of the project. I would also set up a small project or reference group to help manage the project with me. I will aim to include everybody whom would be affected by the change in the planning. I will set goals and objectives and set target dates and timelines. I will also be available to support others and offer encouragement throughout the change process. I believe that the multidisciplinary team work and layers of management, already established in the NHS will be an important lever to help implement and embed the change. Throughout this process, I will be constantly evaluating the changes and making modifications if necessary. The third and final stage is refreezing. This stage involves supporting others so that the change is sustainable and remains in place to achieve improved outcomes. My role as leader will be to help the continued integration of the change into practice to ensure refreezing-that is, the change becoming part of normal practice; if this does not occur the previous behaviours will occur. There are a wide range of different theories of motivation in business management. These are of importance because the style of management theory adopted could potentially make the process of change a smoother transition. The core models are McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y model, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, Herzberg’s Motivation – Hygiene theory, Taylor’s scientific model and Mayo’s Human Relation model (Maslow 1970): (Herzberg 1966); (Taylor 1911); (Mayo 1933). Attempting change management under one of the more autocratic management models such as Taylor’s or McGregor’s Theory X model would have very different consequences when compared to Mayo’s or McGregor’s Theory Y model. Under Taylor’s model the workforce may resist change. This is because in such a work environment theory managers will make all of the decisions and simply give orders to the employees below them. In this working environment change would not be a smooth transition as there would be a barrier between management and workers, change occurs smoothly when the workforce work together to lead change. These models would not create motivation amongst the workforce. Alternatively, change may be more successful in an organisation culture based upon Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Maslow 1970). Maslow put forward a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have fulfilled at work. All of the needs are structured into a hierarchy, and only once a lower level of need has been fully met, would a worker be motivated by the opportunity of having the next need up in the hierarchy satisfied. A business should therefore offer different incentives to workers in order to help them fulfill each need in turn and progress up the hierarchy. Therefore to implement my change and to e successful at doing so this model suggests I should delegate responsibility to employees to ensure they achieve self actualisation in the workplace. This could potentially ensure a smooth transition of change. However, there are problems with looking at management models when implementing changes. Every workplace, particularly the NHS is very complex and has a range of different management styles within each workforce. To state that management should use Maslow’s hierarchy of change to ensure a smooth transition of change is too simplistic. Although in theory it appears to be a solution, in reality there are lots of faults of this model in the workplace place. The theory makes crude assumptions that simply don’t apply to everyone. Most importantly Maslow states people attend to basic needs first and progressively deal with more complex matters until they reach  a point he calls self-actualisation at the top of the  hierarchy’s  pyramid. However in reality not everybody gets that far. This criticism is especially relevant in the practice I wish to change. In the NHS it is widespread knowledge that there are a large number of managerial positions, but to implement my change once exercise facilities are available I would need the support of the nurses and support staff to actualise my change. My point being that not everybody involved in my change would be able to reach self actualisation in their particular job or role. Another criticism of Maslow’s theory which equally applies to all of the theories is that Maslow’s idea belongs to a time and place. Maslow was American and he first suggested the  hierarchy  in the 1940s. It’s highly specific to America’s individualist culture where middle-class people worry about their personal needs rather than any collective needs. This may not be so relevant in a less right ring country with public health care and with a workforce with such diverse ethnicities and cultural heritage as is in the United Kingdom. However, despite the criticisms that are directed at theories of motivation it will be important for me as a leader to have the knowledge regarding how to motivate my workforce. When thinking about how I as a manager would go about implementing this change I feel it is important to consider what type of leader I would be. Leadership will be very important if I am to be able to work with conflicting views to build up trust in the change proposal’s worth and the value of putting effort into my proposed change. House (2004) describes leadership as the ability to motivate and enable other people to achieve the goals of the organisation they work for. There are many different theories of leadership styles, the two main ones being transactional and transformational leadership. Transactional leadership is leadership at its most basic. The followers do what the leader asks of them in return for a reward. The role of the leader in this model is to state what needs to be done and who will do it and then allow them to get the job done, hence it focuses on getting a task done rather than on the person undertaking a task. In nursing this approach was traditionally used in previous years when task allocation was the role of the ward manager when patient care was perhaps less holistic than it is today. When implementing my change I aim to be a transformational leader. This will involve being able to share and communicate my vision of change effectively to others. Transformational leadership theory suggests there needs to be a relationship of trust between the leader and the follower. Bass (1985) suggested four essential components of effective transformational leadership. First, leaders must provide intellectual stimulation, challenging the way things are and encouraging creativity among the team. Second, they must demonstrate individualised consideration and by using good communication skills make followers feel able to share ideas and gain direct recognition for their unique contributions. Third, they need to demonstrate inspirational motivation which enables followers to experience the same passion and motivation as the leader to meet the team goals. Fourth, they need to have idealised influence; that is, they must act as a role model who followers wish to emulate whole taking on the values of the leader. As a leader I will also need to possess emotional intelligence. This refers to the ability of the leader or manager to understand the role that their emotions play in their decision making and the ability to recognise the emotions of the individuals within the team and how this affects the work they do (Goleman, 1996). Goleman’s emotional intelligence framework comprises five elements: self-awareness, motivation, self-regulation, empathy and social skills. Possessing emotional intelligence will be important if I am to be able to work with conflicting views to build up trust in my change proposal’s worth and the value of putting effort into my proposed change. As a leader I will also need to be assertive. This is as opposed to being submissive or aggressive. Assertiveness can be defined as ‘expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence so that people take notice’. (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary). Ruiz, M. (2004) The Voice of Knowledge argued that there were four factors involved in being assertive. These were to be impeccable with your word, not to take anything personally, not to make assumptions and for a person always to do their best. In conclusion in order to make my change successful there are many things I will need to do. Firstly, I will need to use theories of motivation to ensure I am able to motivate my workforce so that teamwork will be successful. I will then need to use Levin’s change theory model to ensure that I can gain support from my colleagues and to accurately plan my change. During my freezing, movement and refreezing stages there are lots of qualities I will need to display as a leader. I have identified I would consider it must appropriate to be a transformational leader as identified by Bass (1985). As a leader it would also be vital for me to display emotional intelligence and to be assertive. What I have learned from this module is that the business management theory behind making and implementing a change can be as important as the actual subject of change itself.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sharpeville Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sharpeville Massacre - Essay Example Although this event in itself acted as a turning point in the struggle of black South Africans towards restoring dignity, but there were certain events which happened before Sharpeville massacre that caused widespread frustration and resentment in the black African community. This antipathy, hatred, bitterness, resentment, frustration and loss of self-determination mustered up slowly and gradually and was the cause that strengthened the will and determination of black Africans and helped them to fight tirelessly after the incident of Sharpeville, this incident in a way helped them to open up and made them realize that this cannot go on forever. It is a natural instinct that when all is lost, courage is regained. To what went on in South Africa, Jawaharlal Nehru,the Indianprime minister commented in his speech to Lok-Sabha that "There is the racial policy of the Union of South Africa, which is in no sense different from the racial policy of Hitler, except that they have not gone to those extremes that Hitler went to." In my view the events that happened before Sharpeville massacre were the ones which caused Sharpeville incident to act as a turning point of South African history, although there were many efforts made after the incident which eventually led to liberation, but it were the events of the past which gave them the drive to carry on with their effort and face obstacles head on. In this light, we'll look at two incidents or decisions of the past which hold significance importance and are a key factor in massacre that happened on 1960. Pass laws The story starts way back in 1760, when the first pass laws in South Africa was introduced in an attempt to exclude all natives from the Cape Colony. Later on, the Native Urban Areas Act 1923 deemed urban areas in South Africa as white and forced all black African men in cities and towns to carry permits called passes. The black South Africans were required to carry these passbooks ("dom pas", meaning dumb pass) all the time whenever they went outside their designated areas or compounds as a permit or a proof that they were authorized to move or live in white South Africa. Anyone found without a pass would be arrested immediately and sent to a rural area. These laws were designed to segregate the population among black and white people and severely limit the movements of the non-white populace in urban areas. Another one of its clause stated that black Africans could not hold a higher business position within a company than the lowest white employee. This legislation was one of the dominant features of the country's apartheid system, which we will discuss shortly. These laws also affected other non-Caucasian populace like Indian people who were also barred from moving in the white South Africa. It is obvious that these discriminatory regulations were bound to spark outrage from the black population, consequence to which many demonstrations, acts of passive resistance, and uprisings were directed at the pass system. In 1930, for example, the Communist Party organized a mass burning of passes on Dingane's Day, a day celebrated in honour of the Zulu chief Dingane. A major anti-pass campaign was mounted in 1944 also.

Research Purpose Statement Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Purpose Statement Development - Essay Example universities.† This purpose statement explains and justifies the intent of the future research; it sets the objectives and clarifies the main idea of the research study. The NCU Proposal and Dissertation Review Form (DRF) serves as a source reference for additional information regarding purpose statement requirements and appropriate documentation. A series of questions explored the research problem before explaining and justifying the proposed purpose statement. Various sources are utilized in this paper, including different published research materials and Internet articles. The impact of foreign students on the educational industry in America can’t be ignored both in terms of the financial aspects and the diversity these students bring to American colleges and universities (Institute of International Education (IIE), 2010). However the response to this growing number of international students has been at best apathetic. While there has been a range of different studies completed in the last ten years on concepts such as student stress, cultural stress and other identified stresses that international students contend with when they commence their educational journey in America the reports seem to be unable to find a practical solution to the problem. This lack of educational model, one that could increase international student success and satisfaction in studying in American institutions, could negatively impact the future of this so far growing business. Given that the IIE (2010) reported that international students contribute almost $20 billion dollars through their tuition expenses and living costs more efforts should be made to ensure that the educational experience for international students is positive and meets their needs. The research conducted to date has focused on identifying key stresses that international students face when they study in America. While this author has found a wealth of material about international students and the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Context planing article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Context planing article - Essay Example The new developments require collaborative efforts of both media professionals and media agencies in order to ensure effective communication. Hatcher points out a few instances where media agencies deployed their context planners effectively to unravel customer insights and ‘generated non-traditional media solutions’. According to Klues (2004), context planners â€Å"provide the essential link between the consumer’s experience with the advertisers’ brand and the various ways the consumer chooses to receive commercial messages about them† (as cited in Hatcher, 2005). Admittedly, the sustainability of media agencies depends on their creativity in context planning. Although change is visible in every sphere of social life and business activities more than ever before, media agencies are to struggle a lot to keep pace with the new developments happening in every industry. The most important thing about context planning is that business has become something more than a buying and selling process. It involves collective stakeholder participation that ensures convenient service, sustainable profit, effective communication, and many other aspects. Today, media agencies work as a third party to link in this process to ensure this solidity. The emergence of countless organisations in the same industry increases market tension and thereby the responsibility of media agencies or context planning professionals to ensure consumer contact. Obviously, context planning thus has become popular and integral part of modern business. The old method of business will no longer work in the present scenario. As a response to the necessity of context planning, media agencies like Starcom Media Vest, Universal McCann successfully implemented the context planning (Hatcher). Today customer relationship marketing is entitled with media agencies to some extents. Organisations today explore the most cost effective and potential way to connect with the consumers. In

Friday, July 26, 2019

Frequency Distribution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Frequency Distribution - Assignment Example A project needs to be measureable and therefore frequency distribution helps in assessing the frequency distribution. In the process of measuring the work output of different people we could make use of mean and correlation to get the right figures (Meredith,  2011). Frequency distributions allows for measuring of specific results for different people within a project. We could use of means and correlation analysis for the purposes of analysing the output of different employees in a company. Many projects are planned with timetables in the analysis of frequency distributions. As a result, frequency distribution allows for the analysis of time taken by different employees in undertaking their jobs even in cases of people undertaking the same job (Meredith,  2011). Project management involves undertaking various jobs and duties in the process of accomplishing certain tasks that are relevant and therefore, we could make use of frequency distributions. Graphs and tables show disparity to detail on different measures undertaken by different employees

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Issues on Training Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues on Training Employees - Essay Example Businesses from around the world run global business this way. If an American business obeys a Saudi law by sending a man, Saudis must obey American Homeland Security laws by giving proper identification and taking off shoes when going through airport security. Global businesses can be profitable, if local laws and cultures are respected. This can only be accomplished through proper employee training. After World War II a global market opened up for business around the world. Business started expanding beyond their borders. IBM is an example of a global business. Early on IBM recognized the need for cultural diversity. Formal statements relating to diversity at IBM can be found as far back as 1953 by the then CEO Thomas J Watson Jr, who said: ‘it is the policy of IBM to hire people who have the personality, talent and background necessary to fill a given job, regardless of race, colour or creed.’ (Nicholson 2009) IBM recognized better business practices would be to incorporate the most qualified individual for each job. This task required cultural diversity, not only worldwide, but in their home country of the United States. The statement above was very progressive for the 1950’s. IBM started this policy and continued to this day by following: This type of policy was brought about through laws like the American Disability Act, Affirmative Action, and other labor laws. The work/life balance is important to every country’s cultures. Different cultures expect different work days, work weeks, and vacation practices. The advancement of women can be achieved in the majority of countries that IBM operates in. However, in several Middle Eastern and other Islamic countries this is not legal or even possible. In Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iran, and other Islamic countries women do not experience the same freedoms as they do in the West. An example would be in Saudi Arabia

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Crisis Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Crisis Management - Research Paper Example The study discusses the crisis that had engulfed Apple Inc. owing to the departure of Steve Jobs. The study conferred on the response initiatives and strategies employed by Apple Inc while managing the organizational crisis. The study also discusses the public relation and crisis communication strategy adopted by the management of Apple while responding to the crisis. The study focuses on the development of the crisis management policies of Apple Inc. The study conclusively provided recommendations to improve the crisis management and crisis communication strategies of Apple Inc. Table of Contents 1 3 Overview 4 Crisis Management 4 Identification of Potential Crisis and the Crisis Management Plan 5 Cases of Organizational Crisis Management 6 Company Background 7 Crisis Management in Apple 8 Identification and Response of Crisis 8 Public Relation & Crisis Management Plan 9 Recommendations and Conclusion 10 Works Cited 11 Overview The management of a crisis in an organization entails d eterrence, planning, examination, assessment and maintenance to lessen the negative outcomes of the crisis. The procedure employed by an organization determines the consequences for those impacted by the crisis, counting customers and society, in addition to the employees and the organization as a whole (American Institute of Chemical Engineers, â€Å"Corporate Crisis Management†).   ... rporate Crisis Management†).   The study comprises of a comprehensive assessment of organizational crisis management, identification of potential crisis in an organization and the significance of the development of crisis management plans in order to tackle further crisis. This study focuses on the development of the crisis management policies of Apple Inc. The study accentuates on the crisis that had engulfed Apple Inc. due to the departure of Steve Jobs. The study discusses how fast Apple reacted to their latest crisis and how did the company intervene to lessen the damage. The study also discusses the public relation strategy implemented by Apple while responding to the crisis. The study finally offers recommendations for the crisis management and crisis communication policies of Apple Inc. Crisis Management Researchers have described an organizational crisis as a significant unexpected incidence (King, â€Å"Crisis Management & Team Effectiveness: A Closer Examinationâ⠂¬ ) with a possible negative result (Schrivastava, â€Å"Crisis Theory/Practice: Towards a Sustainable Future†) that challenges the endurance of the business organization (Fearn-Banks, K., â€Å"Crisis Communication: A Casebook Approach†; Fink, S., â€Å"Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable†) by effecting the domestic or external configuration (Pearson & Clair, â€Å"Crisis Theory/Practice: Towards a Sustainable Future†, Loosemore & Teo, â€Å"Crisis Preparedness of Construction Companies†), or by impacting the legality of the business. Several authors have attenuated that a crisis is not a daily occurrence, but an unforeseen and unanticipated, low possibility incidence that requires or necessitates quick and effective decisions (Platz & Madsen, â€Å"Crisis Management in IT Projects†; Pearson &

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis of Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Macbeth - Essay Example Shakespeare has employed Macbeth as a means to convey his opinion of the way aspiration and guilt affect an individual of weak character. Macbeth may be considered as irreversible evil, though the weakness of his character contrasts with other villains of Shakespeare’s plays including Edmund and Iago in King Lear and Othello respectively in that the latter are strong enough to surmount their own self-doubt and feeling of guilt. â€Å"Probably composed in late 1606 or early 1607, Macbeth [also happens to be] the last of Shakespeare's four great tragedies, the others being Hamlet, King Lear and Othello† (eNotes). Despite being a great warrior, Macbeth is not strong enough to boldly face the psychological consequences of his crime. Macbeth is overcome by guilt and worries before murdering Duncan, so he tends to almost abort the mission but his wife’s objectivity of purposefulness makes him commit the crime. Macbeth says, â€Å"Prithee, peace: I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none† (Shakespeare 16).

Internal Look into Infidelity and the Outcomes Essay Example for Free

Internal Look into Infidelity and the Outcomes Essay Infidelity can happen at the blink of an eye, especially if a person is not aware of their current relationship standings with their partner. A partner may display two types of infidelity, emotional and sexual. Each type of infidelity is seen differently by men and women on an opposite scale according to (Buss, Larsen, and Westen, 1996; Buss et al., 1992; Buunk et al., 1996; Trivers, 1972). The causes for infidelity are somewhat the same for men and women; however, there are a few differences that vary between the two groups. When infidelity has happened the decision is ultimately whether a couple will either focus to stay together or dissolve the relationship. Through a deeper look between the two types of infidelity, along with the perception men and women have about its outcomes, a definite understanding is very clear why and how infidelity usually happens in the first place. Although many relationships survive infidelity, The trust is gone, completely gone, says Michael Baisden, relationship counselor and author of Never Satisfied: How and Why Men cheat. And trust is the most important thing in a relationship. The decision will vary from person to person on the continuance with a relationship after the other partner cheats. For myself, it depends on who the person is, my standards often change from partner to partner. Infidelity defined is an action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or another sexual partner. According to the most prevalent study using the framework of evolutionary psychology a study used by Buss, Larsen, Westen, and Semmelroth (1992), individuals where asked whether they would be more upset or jealous, if their partner had sexual intercourse or formed a deep emotional bond with someone else. Men and women were very different in their answers. Emotional infidelity occurs when a partner gets involved with caring deeply for a person that that is not their significant other. An emotional infidelity can hurt just as much to the other person as if they had already had sex with the other person involved. Sexual infidelity is the actual act of having sex outside of a person’s current relationship or marriage. When this action occurs, it is almost certain that the relationship will have troubling times ahead. How these two types of infidelities are seen by both men and women vary greatly on the scale. Men are very likely to become upset and end a relationship if  their girlfriend or wife were to have sexual encounters with another man vs. an emotional connection. The same cannot be said about women. According to (Buss, Larsen, and Westen, 1996; Buss et al., 1992; Buunk et al., 1996; Trivers, 1972), women tend to overlook a sexual infidelity but, are more affected by emotional bonds their boyfriend or husband acquires with another woman. Men tend to have a fear of uncertainty with offspring if a woman commits sexual infidelity that in turn tends to make him more susceptible to leaving a relationship. On the other hand, women are more invested in the emotional stability in her partner which in turn makes the woman more angered and upset over an emotional infidelity. The perceived outcomes for the two different types of infidelity are total opposites between men and women whereas the causes for infidelity is somewhat similar. The causes for infidelity are almost the same for men and women. Jennifer Harman, PhD., a professor of psychology at Colorado State University, stated â€Å"People do not just cheat for no reason. It used to be perceived that men were the bigger cheaters, however, according to the National Opinion Research Center study found that women having affairs rose from 14 percent to nearly 40 percent over the past 20 years. Women are in need of passion from their partner. Even the small things from walks in the park to a wine tasting can fulfill dissatisfaction. Petty arguments that hold insecurities and grudges is common for most women to experience. A need for her partner to understand and talk openly about problems and solutions is key for some women to feel connected. Women are also more attracted to men who are confident and ambitious which can sometimes lead to dissatisfaction with their partner if they are not in a manly position. Men also tend to have the same outlook when cheating comes to mind. If a man succeeded in filling his ego tank up an affair would make him feel powerful and desired. Sometimes men cheat because they are not being understood by their partner. If men were more open in communicating feelings freely, this would not be an issue. When men cheat the difference to theirs actions is a need to escape the reality of home rather than leave their relationship. Women, however, are typically silent in their actions but tend to plan an escape route out of the relationship after they begin cheating. The solution to ending a cheating cycle is to either dissolve the relationship or work on overcoming the struggles infidelity has caused on the relationship. Though people  sometimes choose to work things out, many ultimately work together for dissolving the relationship. Overcoming infidelity is very difficult task. Trust is compromised and very hard to regain on many levels and often takes years to rebuild. Without trust in a relationship, it is almost inevitable for disaster since trust is the viewed as the core for holding a relationship together. To overcome this is sometimes not worth the stress, time and patience, especially if this is just a romantic relationship with no children involved or when a marriage is at stake. On the other hand, long term relationship and married couples will often try to work through these troubling road blocks. When a person has more time invested or other things at stake, the decision is more comfortable to make when working things out. Some of these relationships and marriages last after infidelity but half do not. When a couple comfortably communicates and understand the deepness of how infidelity affects a relationship before, they agree to commit the partnership will be more successful. The most important factor is understanding to what extent infidelity can occur as both male and female have shown different tolerances for emotional and sexual encounters. Just having a deeper look into how differently men and women think help to understand their actions. With the listed information in mind, it is just as important to remember that women enjoy time with their partner, openness with information, and a man that is confident in himself. Men have a larger ego that needs to be stroked often, just saying how good he looks, or less nagging by their partner and more open communication they tend to have their needs met. When infidelity occurs because none of these needs is fulfilled, it is almost certain the relationship will not last. Just by knowing these things should make any male or female want to rethink actions or even the possibility of starting or moving ahead in a relationship.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tokyo Drift Essay Example for Free

Tokyo Drift Essay â€Å"The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift† by Justin Lin is a film that allows viewers to attain a heightened level of understanding of the concept of belonging. It extensively explores the notions of separation, connection, displacement and acceptance throughout varying contexts to demonstrate that belonging carries different meaning to individuals. From the beginning it is evident to the audience that the main character, Sean, is no stranger to displacement as his mother states â€Å"This is our third town in two years† implying that they regularly change their location of residency. Her tone suggests that their continuous displacement is undesirable as it increases the difficulty associated with establishing connections with people and places. Sean, who is American, is then forced to move to Tokyo after repeated law infringements for street racing. A montage is shown of him travelling through the city and attending school where he is highlighted as being a single, lone, confused westerner among thousands of Japanese people living their daily lives. This montage is a visual technique which communicates the main character’s feeling of disconnection by depicting him and his actions differently to the rest of his social surrounding. Sean soon establishes a connection with the young street racing community of Tokyo which develops from a common interest in cars. This connection allows room for acceptance by his peers, however their full acceptance of him is still hindered by his many other differences. These remaining obvious differences, explored through the contexts of race, language, values and environment, lead to him being named â€Å"gaijin†, the Japanese word for ‘outsider’ by some within the street racing community. To those that befriend Sean, their acceptance is derived from his connection in the context of an interest in cars. To those that label him as an outsider, they believe he shares no connection with them as he is from a different race, country and culture. This effectively conveys the idea that the concept of belonging carries different meaning to individuals. Later in the story Sean gets to know an important female character, Neala, who appears have a well established identity within the street racing community of Tokyo and he is told that she was once also called a gaijin. Sean then says â€Å"I thought you were born here? † and she replies â€Å"Outsider can mean many different things†. While she appears to have a place in society, other contextual differences not evident in the film, cause her to feel separated; however Sean’s perception of belonging creates an image of her feeling connected with her social surroundings. Through the exploration of different components within the concept of belonging such as difference, connection, displacement and acceptance, â€Å"The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift† is an excellent text in allowing viewers to develop a heightened understanding of the concept of belonging.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reporters Privilege Examples

Reporters Privilege Examples Rahim Aziz Sajwani Fahad Faruqui In United States of America the reporter’s privilege is provided to protect reporter from being compelled to testify the information provided by the source or the source itself. The reporter’s privilege is guaranteed by U.S constitution and statutory law. Reporter’s privilege has nothing to do with confidential communication but it grants the disclosure of information through news media. Reporter’s privilege is not for secrecy purposes. Secrecy is the part of agreement between the reporter and the source. In context of journalism, source is any person, record, article or publication that provides relevant information about subject. In the case where there is legal system against a journalist one of the problems is to what degree law will provide protection to the source and material provided by source of journalist from unconscious discloser. Even though there is reporter’s privilege to protect a journalist from disclosure of sources but practical application of reporter’s privilege depends on the context, situation and judgments by media organizations regarding how far they will go to authorize their rights. About forty nine states and the District of Columbia provide reporter’s privilege which tends to protect them from government trying to reveal the secret information and sources. Some of the states also have shield laws that guarantee protection to journalists and right to access information but there are no federal shield laws. However, the journalists are trying to pass the federal shield law by congress that will protect them from accessing information and indirectly protect their sources too. In post 9/11 scenario the government of United States is more concerned with leak control and Obama administration trying to update the Justice Department guidelines that deals with media to prevent leakage of any information. Joshua Selassie (Josh Wolf), a freelance video journalist was sentenced to prison in 2006 when he was subpoena for the videotape that he captured during the protest on July 8, 2005 in San Francisco. During that protest some of the protestors wore masks and violated laws by causing destruction to some builds and getting in fist fight with police officials. A police car was also damaged that brought federal intervention in the case. That over ruled state shield laws and there are no federal shield laws available for journalists. Even though Wolf had not captured the scene of damaging the police car but he was charged because he shot the video of protest and tends to have evidence about protestors who were intended to cause destruction. Wolf edited the videotapes and then posted it on the news website Bay Area Indymedia but he was subpoenaed by the court to testify to provide all the videotapes he had captured during the protest. He did not comply with the subpoena and refused to submit the videotapes to court. He was jailed in August 2006 and was bailed in September 2006 but still did not comply. In April 2007 the prosecution dropped their charges against Wolf after he posted the unaired video online. In Wolf’s case the prosecutors argued that Wolf was not affiliated with any news organization. For them he was just a man with the video camera who had captured the protest.[1] So, it is nothing wrong to ask him to testify the video tapes to the grand jury. However, for Wolf it was inappropriate to testify his videotapes as a journalist because he cannot reveal his sources and he could not break the trust with the people who gave interview in the video. Wolf said it was his property and it was only his choice of what he wants to show to the public and what not because he does not want to give away everything just like that. His case raised question against first amendment and free speech. Wolf stood firm till the end even though he knew that there was nothing confidential in those videotapes but he fight for freedom of press and right to access information. It was also irrelevant for the court to hold charge against Josh Wolf because he had already posted the edited footage on the website and he had ensured that the footage that was left out had nothing relevant information and evidence about the destruction of police car. The only justification for testifying those tapes was that law enforcement officials wanted to identify people who were involved in the protest. That is why when Wolf posted the unaired footage on the blog he was released and charges were dropped down. The prosecution found nothing in those video tapes. President Obama had promised freedom of press during his election campaign and was poised as champion of freedom of the press. However, his administration is the most aggressive administration in history of United States of America in terms of targeting whistleblowers. His Justice Department has brought eight cases in this way; it is much more in number because it has more than all past administrations joined. It is getting more difficult to have free speech and press when the administration is that aggressive against investigative journalism because the government brings 1917 Espionage act under the way of reporter’s privilege and subpoena suspected journalists to testify their sources. In 2008 James Risen, the investigative journalist of the New York Times was subpoenaed to identify the source of the information which he had published in his book State of War about Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A) operation in Iran. Before Risen published his book he and his fellow journalist Eric Lichtblau got this information from a source that National Security Agency (NSA) was keeping an eye on American citizens. They were listening telephone calls locally and internationally, gathering lots of information and lots of data mining through telephone conversations and content in email without having any permission from court to do it. They were doing it on the bases of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court which was organized to get secret warrants to spy on suspected terrorists and whistleblowers. The government had decided not to tell this to anyone except few people from Congress like chairman of intelligence agencies and was keeping it secret from everyone else. It took them fourteen months to investigate all this information from an authentic source and then gave it to Bell Keller the executive editor for New York Times at that time. Keller decided to hold this article and not to publish it in the newspaper before elections. After the elections Risen and Eric worked on the article again, re-edited but editors refused to publish it because it was subject concerned with national security. Bell Keller was called up to the President and he was said that publication of that story will lead them to another incident like 9/11 and if it will happen than the New York Times will be held responsible for it. They could have the blood on their hands. [2] After debating with their editors Eric and Risen got approval to publish their story in the newspaper and they were awarded Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2006 for their efforts on drawing a line between war on terrorism and civil liberty. However, James Risen was prosecuted for another story that he had published in his book State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration. The story was about CIA involvement in the nuclear program in Iran. CIA said to give flawed blueprints to the Iranis so they cannot make nuclear bombs but those blue prints had some potential information about bombs. He was subpoenaed for specifically writing this in his book and court asked Risen to testify his sources. The government had decided not to attack New York Times for the story Risen had covered on NSA because it would have made a mess as New York Times is a reliable news organization and have ample followers and readers. However, it was easy for government to prosecute Risen for his book because than no one could save him. When Government asked Risen to testify his source in court for the information he had published in his book. He denied giving away any information about his source because he believes that aggressive investigative journalism cannot possess without secret sources. There can’t be democracy without aggressive investigative journalism because it gives the genuine oversight of the legislation. However, the government is more afraid of investigative journalism because it puts light on what is going on inside the government and this is not possible without keeping up the privacy of sources. [3] [1] Howard [2] Democracy Now 14th October, 2014 [3] James Risen Democracy Now 14th October, 2014

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gambling Addiction: Compulsive or Pathological Gambling Essay -- Compu

I am very interested in how a person could psychologically and physically feel the need to gamble. It interests me that a compulsion could turn into physical want and pain if the compulsion isn’t fulfilled. This could actually be classified as an addiction, which some people would also classify it as a disease. People gamble for many different reasons. Some people do it for the excitement in which it will make them feel a release of adrenaline. Another reason why some people do it is because they are very competitive and they want to feel the burst of energy that they would possibly get from beating other players or even the dealer. Another thing that pulls them in would be the risk of it all. They make a high dollar bet and the moments in between that bet being placed and the outcome send a thrill throughout their body, wondering what the outcome will be. Some people believe that if they gamble, they will be able to solve financial issues such as not being able to pay monthly bills, alimony, child support, foreclosure, etc. Other people find gambling can be a way that they run from stress and they feel that they don’t have the need to worry about life’s issues. With gambling being an addiction, people will make excuses as to why they do it. Gambling is a lot like drinking alcohol. Some people argue that doing any gambling, like drinking any alcohol, is a bad thing and will only lead to problems that will build up and become much worse. Other people argue that doing sensible gambling in moderation, like drinking in moderation, is perfectly acceptable and a safe thing to do. They do, however, have some rules that make the sensible gambling seen â€Å"okay† to them. Here are some of the rules. Some people believe that you need to sta... you wish there was something more that you could do to help. It is hard for people to admit to having this problem so there are probably more people out there then we would ever know. Works Cited Foundation, M. H. (2011). Gambling. Retrieved from Mental Health Foundation: Health, W. (2009). Gambling. Retrieved from Women's Health: Jean Segal, M. S. (2013, July 13). Gambling Addiction & Problem Gambling: Warning Signs and How to Get Help. Retrieved from Helpguide: Roxanne Dryden-Edwards, M. (2013, Novemeber 26). Gambling Addiction (Compulsive or Pathological Gambling). Retrieved from MedicineNet:

Free Essays on Homers Odyssey: Book 5 :: Homer Odyssey Essays

Odyssey   Book 5 The beginning of the Odyssey portrays the chaos in Ithaca and the uncertainty and turmoil of Odysseus family as they have longingly awaited his return. Book 5 finally introduces Odysseus and his captor Calypso. The beginning of the novel illustrates how Odysseus is torn between the charm and will of Calypso and the love and loyalty to the family he has left behind. Calypso is described as beautiful; her island as a virtual Eden and her home a magnificent palace that awes even the gods themselves. Before Hermes delivers the order to release Odysseus he gazes in wonder of Calypso’s abode. Calypso offers Odysseus immortality, to live the life of a god for all eternity in paradise with her. Along with the offer Calypso questions Odysseus on how his family could ever compare to her and immortality. Odysseus refuses Calypso because he is loyal to his wife and son and feels that there is nothing greater than to see them again. Odysseus gives up Utopia and divinity for the loyalty to his home and family, Even though he has no idea whether anyone he knows is still alive or whether or not his wife and son have waited for him. Both Penelope and Odysseus demonstrate such trust in each other that they wait ten years for each other not knowing what has happened to the other. The beginning of the book continues to reinforce the idea that Calypso island is a Utopia through vivid illustrations of a place of beauty and perfection to thoroughly demonstrate that Odysseus will overcome any obstacle or give anything to reach home.    Book 5 ends foreshadowing what trouble may lie ahead for Odysseus as Poseidon intends to thwart every attempt that Odysseus makes at trying to get home.    The role of judgment and reason in books 5-8 of the Odyssey In Books 5-8 of the Odyssey there is a central theme involving importance of the reason and how it pertains to judgment and moral behavior and the essence of someone’s character. The theme is shown in every action of the characters, especially Odysseus.   The first books of the Odyssey begin by introducing the suitors as unruly and animalistic because of their lack of sound judgment. The suitors’ actions demonstrate the result of the absence of reason and rather the attention only to pleasure. The suitors actions lead to the despair of Odysseus family and Ithaca as well as the slow destruction of Odysseus home.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Brazil :: essays research papers fc

The similarities between the societies found in Brazil and those found in the Andean Highlands are relatively few. The Andean Highland dwellers were mostly Incas, found in greatest numbers in Peru. The inhabitants of Brazil were mainly concentrated around the Amazon River Basin area. The Andean Highland people consisted in large part of the Inca civilization (the name of the ruling family, not an ethnicity). However, the geographic location of these societies is not the only disparity that exist between these groups of people. Perhaps the most striking of the differences is the characteristics of these societies and the advancements, or lack of, that where achieved in each. With each group having distinct characteristics in the way of life, government, and labor, this affected the colonizing groups in significantly different ways and ultimately lead to the prosperity or decline of the colony at that specific time. The forms of rule in the Amazon Basin and the Andean Highlands were of great contrast. At the time of European discovery of the New World, there existed very little political hierarchy in the areas of the Amazon River Basin. At most, and this was fairly uncommon, there was a local tribal chief. However, the government did not extend any further. There was no network of higher ruling. This may have stemmed from the fact that villages were scattered around the Amazon, divided by dense forest. The tribal chiefs would make some village decisions and be a liaison with other local villages. Still, territorial war was a major aspect of the Amazon Basin dwellers' lives. This is in sharp contrast to the political system that existed in the Inca civilization. The Inca had a profoundly intricate political system that was based on rule that was inherited through blood lines. There were local, regional, and empire ruling leaders. These statesmen demanded tribute from the lower classes and also force labor upon them, but they did provide services for the good of the people and the empire. The leaderships had relatively few physical duties other than overseeing the domain that he ruled. Territorial war was also a characteristic of the Inca society. This society has often been labeled either a socialist empire or a welfare state. Specifically, the people of the Amazon Basin lived in small villages around the Amazon River and relocated often (when the soil became fallow). They were a tribal society maintained itself through shifting agriculture and hunting and gathering. The staple of their diet was of the tuber variety, a kind of potato. The society had no classes that differentiated between the rich and poor because the people had very little or no private property.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Physics And Engineering In I.T. Power Management Essay

The cost of energy continues to increase with shrinking in corporate budgets and need for more energy input. At times like this, even IT industry is affected and the stakeholders are starting to look for new ways of cutting down the cost as they keep the quality of work high and efficiency maximized. Implementation of a good energy policy in an organization’s premises can lead to reduced costs of ICT infrastructural costs in terms of capital required in setting up servers and cooling systems. If the right energy saving and proper utilization habits are adopted and effective construction and installation ideas implemented in natural air flow optimization and proper heat insulation can lead to less cooling facilities requirements, cutting on costs (Greenguard, 2009). Efforts of energy conservation in IT infrastructure have been initiated through: †¢ Technologies like PoE (Power over internet) and midspans; this is a technology that enables gadgets like phones to receive power together with data through the Ethernet connection. Midspans are stand alone gadgets that are used to interface the Ethernet switch with the power sources for optimized power distribution to the ports as required. †¢ Implementation of Smart energy and lighting technology in huge company premises with many workers using ICT equipments. †¢ Efforts of IEEE-the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, to set standards for manufacturers of electronic and electrical gadgets (IEEE 802. 3-at) to ensure optimized energy utilization at the design level. †¢ IT technology in energy auditing and virtualization of power management †¢ Use of Integrated circuits (ICs) to control magnetic and pulse width modulators for external power connection in devices. †¢ Use of Power Source Equipment (PSE) and Power Devices (PD) in network classification during powering of new connections to ensure only PoE connections are powered in wireless and telecom devices. Electrical Power With the introduction of Power over Ethernet (PoE), many electronic devices that work in direct connection with computers through Ethernet cables have shifted from use of external power cables to reception of power together with data on the Ethernet connection. The (IEEE) has established some standards (IEEE 802. 3-at) for such technology, contributing to encouraging the manufactures of electrical and electronic products to contribute in efforts of making ICT infrastructure environment friendly, through less energy consumption. This is a strategy which if adopted can lead to very improved efficiency in power delivery in devices’ interconnection. The manufacturers of such devices, for example Texas Instruments’, are manufacturing devices with power capabilities of choosing either to use PoE or switch to standard mode when the option is not available. This is in the effort to become compliant with the IEEE 802. 3-at. Even when PoE is a better option than external cables, a more detailed power saving strategy can be applied through use of midspans, which interface the switches with power sources, injecting power to the ports using way much better technology and hence more efficient. Such consciousness is needed in order to contribute to the overall infrastructure. According to (Conner, 2008), for the manufacturers of the gadgets, the design of PoE can contribute to making of smaller boards and reduce the cost of inputs on large scale. The technology shift there in the physics of electronic gadgets is the replacement of impedance power reduction through dissipation with the magnetic and switching methods in pulse width modulators, controlled through ICs. In efforts to increase power efficiency, the cost of production is also bound to reduce in the long run. The application of PSEs and PDs in network in power control centers gives an option to do power budgets and determine the proper management strategies to be applied. These are such refined levels of control that give the way to streamline and generally control power use. With the current state of globalization in online business, the ICT infrastructure has grown to very complex networks, especially with emergent of mobile devices. Power systems for these networks are as huge as the extents of the networks while management is done manually at physical points of contact. The samples provided in the cases of Highmark and the University of Minnesota (Greenguard, 2009) form a small part of the global business ICT infrastructure that interact with the environment. Educating people/employees A huge effort should go to changing the habits of power use in a working environment. The employees can too contribute to the efforts of a greener ICT infrastructure by ensuring proper use of power. Switching off devices when not in use can help accumulate huge power savings with time. This is not a common thing in most IT departments and will take the initiative of the management to organist fro training of the power users on good use of energy sources. When organization becomes too huge with thousands of employees, energy efficiency becomes a major issue. Such a high number of users of the infrastructure can accumulate a high energy demand and proper management for cost effective and sustainable operation. An example of such a firm is the Highmark with 11000 employees. Energy Computations and Software Virtualization Right from the Physics hardware, the availability of interfacing in ports control to enable remote power on and power off (Ronen, 2009) in PoE makes complex networks manageable. In the Highmark case the Company strategized on extra careful management method on using software technology like energy auditing tools and virtualization as well as new technology in smart energy and lighting systems (Greenguard, 2009). According to the report, there has been increase in need for organizations to use power consuming ICT infrastructure with new technologies to do business as compared to the traditional methods. This has led to ratings of about â€Å"61 billion kilowatt-hours in 2006† by data centers (Greenguard, 2009). The figures could even increase with more ICT use, alarming the corporate to strategize on conservation and efficiency. Owing to this, there have been numerous instances of application of IT solution in power management. Highmark installed a system for collecting rain water and using it in a datacenter cooling system and virtualized the servers to monitor PC usage by employees. This strategy helped adopt the method of remote powering down of equipment not in use, to minimize wastage. The company consulted with IBM to do computations of server spacing for maximum utilization of cooling systems. It appears clearly that many organizations have massive equipments powered up even when not in use because of poor management policy. From these results, it is important to carry each of these computation and software analysis methods with weigh while considering efforts to manage such massive data infrastructures. In many cases, the companies rely on employees to be reliable in implementing the energy conservation policies but even that cannot be enough. If software methods are used to monitor use of powered resources and power them down remotely, a great deal of energy could be saved. A perfect example here is the IT organization of the University of Minnesota which could â€Å"switch off about 25,000 devices each night† (Greenguard, 2009). Conclusion The IT infrastructure comprises of billions of gadgets that use electrical power to operate and network equipment to keep them connected. Power consumption is therefore starts from a single device’s design and connection to the system and spans to the networking level. The physical electronic power consumption can be managed and through standardization methods such as those by IEEE. It is at such low levels that interaction with the environment can be analyzed and energy consumption optimized. The physical arrangement of power consuming data facilities is also of significance importance as clogging them closely together reduces the ability of natural air flow to take care of cooling done by electrical motors in fans. The relationship between IT and these physical sciences is so direct when it comes to practical application fields. The application of software power computation, management and control also helps ICT fit into the practical idea of conservation and greener infrastructure. From the cases analyzed, there is enough evidence that application of technology from the physics and engineering of devices and systems, software tools and ICT infrastructure can be managed in away that can lead to more environment friendly use. References Conner, M. (2008). PoE for high-powered applications. Electronics Weekly, (2263), 18 Retrieved from: http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=cph&AN=36122010&loginpage=Login. asp&site=ehost-live Sani Ronen, (2009) Midspans for next-gen PoE,An inside look at technologies and standards, Tech update, Available: www. networkworld. com Samuel Greengard, (2009), Building an Energy-Efficient IT Infrastructure, Baseline Magazine Available: http://www. baselinemag. com