Saturday, August 31, 2019

Meaning of Life and Fast Lane Essay

leave well enough alone | let well enough alone Meaning: If you leave well enough alone, or let well enough alone, you don’t try to improve or change something that’s already good enough. For example: The kids seem happy enough now so let’s just leave well enough alone and forget about finding a new school for them.? skate on thin ice- Meaning: If you’re skating on thin ice, you’re doing something risky, or you’re in a situation that could quickly become dangerous. jockey for position- Meaning: If you jockey for position, you try to get yourself in a good position in relation to others who’re competing for the same opportunity or the same goal. let the cat out of the bag – Meaning: If you let the cat out of the bag, you let someone know a secret. You could have knocked me over with a feather. – Meaning: You can say â€Å"you could have knocked me over with a feather† to show how surprised you were when something happened, or when you heard about something. add fuel to the fire If you add fuel to the fire, you do something to make a bad situation even worse. Ahead of the game You are ahead of the game if you have an advantage over your competitors in any activity in which you try to do better than others, such as in business, academia, sports, etc. all the rage Informal If something is all the rage, it’s very popular or it’s in fashion at the moment. asking for trouble If someone is asking for trouble, they’re doing something risky that could lead to a problem. itchy feet Informal If you have itchy feet, you feel the need to go somewhere different or do something different. in the long run If you talk about something â€Å"in the long run†, you mean over a long period of time. At cross-purposes If you’re at cross-purposes with someone, you think you’re both talking about the same thing but you’re actually talking about different things. at loose ends If you’re at loose ends, you feel restless and unsettled because you don’t have anything to do. a blessing in disguise You can say something is a blessing in disguise if it appears to be bad at first, but it results in something very good in the end. back to square one If you have to go back to square one, you have to stop and start again, usually because something isn’t working as well as expected. bite your tongue | hold your tongue If you bite your tongue, or hold your tongue, you force yourself not to say something you really want to to say. the icing on the cake | the frosting on the cake If something is the icing on the cake, or the frosting on the cake, it makes a good situation or a good result even better. joie de vivre If you have joie de vivre, you feel the joy of living. make hay while the sun shines If you make hay while the sun shines, you make good use of the chance to do something while it lasts. Fast friends good, loyal friends. The two of them had been fast friends since college. See also: friend fast one a clever and devious trick. (Compare this with pull a fast one. ) That was a fast one. I didn’t know you were so devious. This was the last fast one like that you’ll ever catch me with. life in the fast lane a very active or possible risky way to live. (See also in the fast lane. ) Life in the fast lane is too much for me. See also: lane, life make short work of something to deal with or finish something quickly We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. fast and furious if an activity is fast and furious, it is done quickly and with a lot of energy The first half of the game was fast and furious with both teams scoring three goals each. Ngn av dessa till din story a queer fish Meaning: If someone’s a queer fish, they are a bit strange and can sometimes behave in an unusual way. For example:Your great grandfather was a queer fish, Johnny. He used to write funny poems and then he’d read them aloud to everyone on the train on his way to work let the cat out of the bag Meaning: If you let the cat out of the bag, you let someone know a secret. For example: We’d planned a surprise party for Donna, but some guy she works with let the cat out of the bag, so now she knows.? Don’t forget that this is a secret, so whatever you do, don’t let the cat out of the bag.? †There? s an elephant in the room† – Meaning: If you make a killing, you make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort. For example: My aunt made a killing when she bought some shares in a company as soon as they were issued, and sold them a few weeks later for three times what she paid.? Lots of people made a killing when property values went so high back in the nineties. †Bark is worse than his bite†, †put your money where your mouth is† – prove it.. alot of not air? all hell broke loose Meaning: You can say â€Å"all hell broke loose† if a situation suddenly became violent or chaotic. Bad news travels fast ’ â€Å"Bad news† means news about â€Å"bad† things like accidents, death, illness etc. People tend to tell this type of news quickly. But â€Å"good news† (passing an exam, winning some money, getting a job etc) travels more slowly. Least said soonest mended Possible interpretation: When we do or say something bad to someone, a long apology and discussion does not help. In such a case, the less we say the better. It’s written all over your face. If you say â€Å"it’s written all over your face†, you’re saying that the expression on someone’s face is showing their true feelings or thoughts. Group 20 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Words Relating to More Than Enough (did you get it? ) ample copious lavish myriad plethora profuse prolific superfluous surfeit Memory tips: use these mnemonics (memory devices) to boost your vocabulary. Make up your own memory clues for words in this lesson that are personally challenging. Add these tips-and your own-to your Vocabulary Notebook. Copious let yourself see the word copies within copious, and think â€Å"lots of copies. † Certainly â€Å"lots of copies† leads to the defining ideas of abundant and plentiful. Plethora Let the ple lead you to plenty. When you write plethora in your Vocabulary Notebook, underscore the ple with a colored pen or marker. Superfluous The prefix super means over and above. This knowledge is helpful because superfluous means â€Å"above what is needed; extra. â€Å" Surfeit Like super-, sur- is also a prefix meaning over and above. So a surfeit is an amount over and above what is needed. Using apperception, (http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/apperception) link a word you most likely already know, surplus, to the new word, surfeit. These two-syllable synonyms even have the same number of letters! Solidify the meaning of surfeit in your memory. Ample think of the word sample but get rid of the S. and since Ample means more than enough you can think of many samples! Lavish think of marangsvisch with lakris sas! And put the letters LA from the word Lakris instead of S. Profuse(overflodande) think about refuse and proactive, because proactive is â€Å"overflowing† with vitamins. Change the re to pro Prolific, the word productive has the same meaning, so take the PRO from productive and add it with lyric which at least makes me think of lific. So think productive lyric. Myraid (skiftande mangd) think My ride†¦ Group 19 (2nd cluster for Fall Term) Wonderful You Are! Words Relating to Praise and Respect (did you get it? ) Acclaim accolade adulate esteem eulogize exalt extol laud panegyrize revere venerate Laud If you know applaud, then simply connect the new word laud to the word you already know, applaud. The meanings of these two verbs are closely connected. Plaudits means praise. Revere You remember Paul Revere from American History, right? Now, I am sure you’ll agree that it’s only right to respect, or revere one of our nation’s Founding Fathers! Another tip: you can repeat this chant to yourself over and over â€Å"Revere the Reverend. Revere the Reverend. Revere the Reverend† Acclaim think of ass, but with cc, and slajm (slaim)! Accolade think of assa, but with cc and chocolade Adulate ad-ul-ate Esteem think of S team, but with double e Eulogize think ekoloogisk / EU logisk Exalt think Exaltera, without era, since exalterad means vara upprymd like exalt. Extol, ex stol Panegyrize think, pannkakor & risgrynsgrot Venerate Think â€Å"ata vanner†, but switch place, let vanner lead you 2 Vener, and ata-ate.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Labour Day Essay

As the world acknowledges the hard and tedious work of a laborer and celebrates the Labor Day with great zeal and zest, an ordinary laborer continues to work hard mindless of what goes around, to make it through the day. Aspiring to make this world a better working place, May 1 marks the labor day when debates and talks are held, sessions and processions are carried out and banners and brochures are distributed all over the world. In a hope to provide the laborers better working conditions and opportunities for better socio-economic outcomes, more is said than what is actually done about it. Labor Day is celebrated in various countries across the globe at varying days of the year to honor the achievements and contributions of workers as well as to spread awareness about the working conditions and wage issues of laborers. In Pakistan, the labor policy was started in 1972 and 1st May was declared as the Labor Day and a public holiday. As a member of International Labor Organization (ILO), Pakistan observes the Labor Day in relation to its activities to improve the working conditions of laborers and to acknowledge their contributions. As a member of ILO, it is the responsibility of Pakistan state to uphold the core values of ILO and to devise policies and schemes to protect the interests of workers. But what happens on ground is a totally different story. There is a more of talking and less of action. So 1st May comes and yes we enjoy a day off, read in newspapers and blogs about Labor Day, watch special TV programmes and then just get along with our daily routines and as soon as the day ends we forget all about it. But for the laborers the situation is ugly. Sky rocketing prices, soaring inflation, excessive load shedding of electricity and gas, low wages, rising poverty and poor law and order conditions, all contribute to make the life of people generally and of laborers particularly, utterly miserable Reality Ch eck: The conditions in which laborers work are bad, to say the least. Long working hours, low wages, lack of health facilities, safety measures, and social protection are the vital issues of the working class, but the mindset of our elitist groups and the common practice of factory owners is to deny the basic rights of laborers and to press them against the wall. The only way to change the course of events, to change this mindset of paying less and making the workers work for long arduous shifts is to bring in strong legislative changes and to protect them through  strict regulations. nothing will change until the government formulates new laws and policies. The truth is Pakistan has have the history of bad naming itself not just because of ill-bread policies or lack of proper regulatory and enforcing system but also because of its lack of interest to nip the evils of child labor and of that of bonded labor. Every major city of Pakistan and the neighboring areas of these cities see factories, cottage industries, brick kilns and similar working places filled with malnourished young children working 9-10 hours a day for less than Rs.300 a day. Young girls, women as well as elderly people are seen making bricks in brick kilns in harsh weather conditions yet they have no hope to escape these conditions since majority of workers in these kilns are bonded labor- where every newborn comes to life with a big baggage full of interest money to pay on a loan his great grandfather once took, years and years ago. Every year on May 1, we remember our laborers and workers because we know how much we need them, yet Labor Day brings along nothing more than some enthusiastic but highly unrealistic speeches, pretentious promises and stalemate guarantees. If something meaningful has to be done for a class who is the backbone of our economy, now is the time to change our words into productive actions.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An overview of US economy

America An overview of US economy The economy is the most important indicator to judge the internal living conditions and social development of any country. It provides information about the development of basic factors like health, education, happiness, infrastructure, living standard, etc. United States is one of the largest economies that has gained huge level of hold on the world economy and controls the world economy through its internal situation. The very interesting fact about the Americas economic growth is that Americas GDP is 26 % of the worlds total economic output. It is clear that US has created its powerful industrial structure and per capita income is also appreciable inside the country. The industrial development is tremendous, and the country has worlds maximum number of a billionaire. Currently per capital GDP of US is $49,800 which is very high. Further, the role of technology within the US economy is also remarkable. Technologically the US has seen highest advancement and development that is suff icient enough to grow the economy as compare to other countries. The external economic factors put the positive impact at each another and lead towards the growth of the economy and the internal economic environment. The US economy is mostly based upon the capitalist economy structure, and the ideology suggests that the privatization is the basis of growth and development of countrys economy. The government has their intervention into only health sector and transportation area. The country has maximum number of private companies who are successful and have earned huge profits all across the world. Even the government buys the required products from private companies. This economic ideology is highly success in US and ensures the proper flow of income and effective utilization of natural resources. The decision making is in the hands of private firms in the US. Here the private companies faced the high level of leverage of such kind of economic structure in expanding their business a nd taking the decisions appropriately. The technological areas have brought down the revolution in entire world and America has become the pioneer of such advancements. The aerospace, computers, communication and information technology, medical, military, etc. these are certain areas where US have surpassed all other countries and have effectively contributed well into economic development. These sectors have become the foundation of countrys rapid growth in oversees as they expand their business and fulfill their needs. IN 90s US has transformed their entire economy as the industrial set up was on the peak and the companies were performing well at international level. While 90s the growth rate was extremely high as the economy grew by 3 4 percent every year. The residents of the country get their own home that was the positive indicator for US economy. After 1975, the household income has been increased by 20 %, and it is something that creates confidence among the people towards the US economy. But another fact is that the people who had less technical skills and educational qualifications they face trouble in establishing their growth in the era of technology. They found obstacles in facing pay rises and other benefits at work place. It determines the unequal distribution of wealth and employment opportunities. At the same time, the US economy has faced huge level of growth in literacy ratio. To meet out the requirement of technology people started to get educated and it just raises the level of employment within the country. Thus, the technology works positively in the long run and negatively in the short run. But its negative consequences are negligible as compare to the positive results. Unequal distribution of wealth is another factor that could be realized in US economy over the recent past or industrial development time. Th e people who dont have good education the employment opportunities are less for them, and it created less earning opportunities. Now the contribution or the role of oil is very significant in US economy. It is to acknowledge that 55 % of total consumption is the oil only. The America imports such huge amount of crude oil for the consumption of residents. The rise in the prices of oil just create a burden on US economy and reduce the GDP growth rate. During 2001 to 2008 the petrol prices were not so stable, and it just create trouble for US economy to handle the situation. At the same time, the financial crisis took place in the entire world and America faced two major problems. One was dampening the housing market, and other was related to the rise in oil prices. It just created the trade deficit and most importantly the value of the dollar was depreciated as compare to other currencies. The fluctuations become very common scenario, and it creates trouble in handling the economic st ructure. Another problem that America started to face is related to high import ratio as compare to export. The US has plenty of natural resources, but most of them have been utilizing for inside consumption. There was very less export, and it just stuck the internal flow of money and capital. The infrastructural development was on the peak that is another indicator for healthy economic structure. Still the infrastructure development of US is appreciable and increasing year on year. The bankruptcy of banks like Lehman Brothers was the worst era for US economy where they found trouble in managing the mortgage prices, investment failures, credit failures and so on. At that time, US faced a high level of issues with respect to their economic structure. The reason behind the economic recession is the socially huge spending habits of people and low saving ratio. It was the actual scenario of US that people earn less, but they spent more than their earning. For the same purpose, banks issued more number of loans, and the amount was so high thus it creates the negative flow of money within the economy and it just lead towards the economic recession. Other than this the expenditure upon the security of the country from outside attack is something that has affected the US economy negatively. The country spent billion dollars every year to protect their territory or boundary. Developing the military equipment and weapons has become a priority of US government, and it just affects the US economy negatively. Various plans have been implemented with respect to ensuring the low level of the trade deficit. The fiscal stimulus for the amount of 787 billion dollars was something that was passed by the president to be used for social welfare and economic structure repairing process. It helped in generating the job, revenue for the country through various processes. The economic structure come into trouble as the US government put their leg into wars with Iraq and Afghanistan and were in search of terrorist groups and their leaders. It also affects the GDP growth rate in recent past. The impact of terrorist attack took place at world trade center could be realized after a long period. The US government faced lots of issues with Iraq and Afghanistan in resolving the problems. It has been estimated that by the 2011, the total cost for wars was near to 900 billion dollars which are very huge amount from economic growth perspectives. Improving the health care se ctor is another prioritized area for concern for US government. To stabilize the US economy and to pass the benefits of American citizens, the government has put various efforts. However in future there are certain problems which could be faced by the US government like lower income people, unemployment, low saving ratio, rapid increment in the pension and medical cost of old age population, energy-related issues, problematic relations with other countries, pressure to create employment, budget deficits etc. Very latest economic data represent the consumer price index at stabilized rate of .2 whereas the unemployment rate is 5.5 percent. Further, the GDP rate is also increasing with an increasing rate and has been reached to 16.77 trillion US dollar. Currently, the US government needs to improve their international relations and have to focus on basic economic components or sectors. They need to grow the agriculture sector and need to increase their export ratio of natural resources. The infrastructure development is required to be maintained within the national economy. Funding to an international organization is required so that the interest could be received, and this long term investment can strengthen the base of US economy. Ahead the openness within the economy is required to be minimized so that the benefits of selling goods internally could be transferred to local manufacturing firms. Other than expenditure on war and acquiring the weapons there is need of spending on social welf are and creating the investment opportunities. The US economy is still very powerful and highly diverse economy, and they have control on worlds economy. The private companies of US have created their reign all over the world and have put a hold on worlds industrial development. They need to perform well on the continuity basis and need to contribute for national welfare rather than individual growth and development. Thus, the US economy has brighter future if the government removes their attention from wars or spending on manufacturing military equipment and spending excessively on security matters.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Canadian criminal system of justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Canadian criminal system of justice - Essay Example The Criminal Code of Canada and other legislation laws such as the Criminal Justice for Youth Act, the Conditional Act and Correlation Release Act, as well as Canadian Rights and Freedoms Charter, offer the basis upon which the system of criminal justice functions, and so do United States Code of Criminal and other legislation pieces. In both nations, system of criminal justice offers an impartial crime response rather than the public taking criminal matters into their hands, (Boydell and Ingrid 82). Judicial independence is a precondition to justice is witnessed in American and Canadian systems of law. The two nations originates from the system of shared law, even though, they have diverse systems of justice. The judicial system of Canada is unified system all courts form the same system and the Canadian Supreme Court exercises the final authority all over the nation, (Kraska 42). Additionally, the United States has two distinct and sovereign systems of justice whereby the federal s ystem of justice imposes federal law and systems of the state ate powerful over the state law interpretation. Historically, racial, class and gender differences have pervaded the justice administration in United States and Canada. For instance, for crucial historical and political explanations, grounded on treaty claims and fiduciary role of the aboriginal peoples Crown, aboriginal people are excluded from administration policy purposes as an ethic group together with the immigrants and their people.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Oxycodone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oxycodone - Research Paper Example OxyContin is a brand for single-ingredient oxycodone with time-release mechanism. OxyContin was approved by U.S. Food and Administration in 1995 and became available in the market in 1996. Oxycodone belongs to the Schedule II class or controlled substance which means it has high abuse potential. It causes physical and psychological dependence that people often misuse the drug. Oxycodone is a potent pain killer similar to heroin. It elevates dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that causes pleasurable experiences or euphoria. It also creates artificial endorphins, a chemical that binds receptors in the brain that gives one a â€Å"feel good† effect. It causes elation because the body cannot properly absorb the drug. Some illicit users abuse this drug to experience this euphoric high. Oxycodone is misused in different ways: snorting the powder by crushing the pill, chewing it, and injecting the solution by crushing and dissolving the tablets in water. These methods defeat t he time-release mechanism in OxyContin that causes the active ingredient to take full effect after ingestion. This dramatically increases the risk for overdose. Like other opiates, oxycodone has side-effects that can impair both mental and physical abilities. Common side-effects include nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, seizures, constipation, blanking of emotions, and mental clouding. Acute overdose also can produce irregular breathing or respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, skeletal muscle flaccidity, low blood pressure and heart rate, coma, and death due to cardiac arrest or slowed breathing. For the last 20 years, oxycodone has been the most abused prescription drug. Oxycodone is highly addictive because use over a long period of time (from several weeks to months) leads to tolerance and the need for higher doses to reach desired effects. Because of its affects similar to morphine and heroin, oxycodone appeals to morphine and heroin users. Some even call it hillbilly he roin. When users stop taking oxycodone, they can experience withdrawal symptoms. These include anxiety, insomnia, nausea, fever, and flu-like symptoms. Like other narcotics, oxycodone is regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). It is an expensive drug when acquired illegally on the black market. Prices may range from $25-50 for a 50 mg. tablet. However, with more generic brands becoming available, it may cost $5-10 per pill. To prevent abuse or excessive use and decrease toxicity, new formulations are being developed. Currently undergoing clinical trials is a new drug called Remoxy. Drug users will go through great lengths to get the drugs. People would sometimes steal the drugs if they didn’t have the money to buy them. There was an incident in South Berwick, Maine, where someone got arrested for robbing three pharmacies for OxyContin. Sometimes, people would get illegal prescriptions of OxyContin. Doctors can also be part of this crime. In Winnepeg, a physici an’s license was revoked for recklessly prescribing OxyContin and Percocet. To satisfy his own addiction, he used his patients to acquire large quantities of narcotics. One woman in Florida was arrested for 23 counts of doctor shopping. She obtained 69 prescriptions from six different doctors who

Monday, August 26, 2019

What Do People Do When They are Leading - Bob McDonald (Procter & Assignment

What Do People Do When They are Leading - Bob McDonald (Procter & Gamble) - Assignment Example He studied in the US Military Academy where he served in the 82nd Airborne Division for five years. When McDonald left the military, Procter & Gamble (P&G) asked him to join the company and served as the brand manager of one of its leading products. In 2009, the board appointed him as the CEO owing to his 29 years of service and substantial contribution to the international expansion of the company (Kane, 2012). At West Point, McDonald had learned much valuable insights on values-based leadership, which he imparted to his senior executives when he became the CEO at P&G. 2. Leadership Style and Philosophy Bob McDonald firmly believes in innovation, which is for him a driving force that can solve challenges for sustainability (Confino, 2012). The drive for innovation made P&G as one of the first companies to accentuate the importance of crowd sourcing and social media to generate new ideas and leverage change through networking with different groups of people. McDonald considers innova tion as the lifeblood of P&G given that it allocates about $2 billion annually on their research and development, which is approximately over 50% of its competitors combined (PwC 2010, as cited in Nagpal, 2013, p. 31). Considering the future of the company, McDonald also believes that leaders should build an innovative corporate culture, where a stream of ideas and innovation can be generated by more than 50,000 employees and millions of daily interaction with customers. Such approach, therefore, can facilitate the company in improving their processes, products, and customer experiences. McDonald’s leadership principles can also be attributed to his training at West Point, where he learned having a sense of purpose and character through, which he believed was the most significant trait or quality of a leader (Kane, 2012). 3. Personal and Organisational Values As the company’s CEO, Bob McDonald promotes a â€Å"value-based leadership† through which he advocates t he essential values of purpose and character (Hurley, 2012, p. 107). He defines purpose as the belief in the ethics and mission within an organisation while character, as he perceived, refers to an act carried out with personal responsibility and integrity. With his personal values-based leadership, McDonald is recognised both as an individual and global business leader anchored on his belief that outstanding companies and leaders should operate with consistent values and with a clear sense of purpose (Procter & Gamble, 2013a). With regard to organisational values, McDonald espouses a corporate innovation at P&G. Although he recognised the value of sales promotion that can boost the company’s growth, he believes that true innovation can provide a wide range of opportunities for the company to excel in their investments and strategic goals (Kuratko, 2012). Moreover, McDonald’s key points for leadership derived from his military experience can be characterised with stron g organisational and personal values in stimulating action in the workplace and promoting a sustainable competitive advantage (Yardley, Kakabadse, & Neal, 2012, p. 68). 4. How McDonald’s Values Influence Ethical Behaviour of the Organisation Ethical behaviour is the key ingredient of Procter & Gamble’s success, as noted by House and Rehbein (2004, p. 105). Its corporate values reflect their behaviour that influence the way they the company works and toward their business partners (Procter & Gamble, 2013b). In addition, employees at Procter & Gamble are obliged to act in the company’s best interests at all times and take prompt actions in resolving any conflicts of

Short Story and Art piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Story and Art piece - Essay Example This confusion starts as Mr. Conroy enters the house and is greeted by the housemaid, Lily. As she helps him with his coat, he attempts to make a connection with her, remembering a time when she was a little girl playing with dolls as he says, "I suppose well be going to your wedding one of these fine days with your young man." However, he is quickly and firmly turned away from such a connection as she responds, "the men that is now is only all palaver and what they can get out of you." This response denies any connection between the two characters at the same time that it causes the reader to question the intentions being expressed. Perhaps Mr. Conroy was trying to be flirtatious instead of just family? It is difficult to know for certain, thus calling into question whether this short story is communicating in a conventional way. As Gabriel goes upstairs to talk with the people there, he eventually meets up with a fellow university instructor, Miss Ivors, and she teases him about hi s clandestine writings for a conservative newspaper, calling him a West Briton and forcing him to admit he is sick of Ireland. When Miss Ivors leaves the party suddenly, "Gabriel asked himself was he the cause of her abrupt departure. But she did not seem to be in ill humour: she had gone away laughing." He continues to be confused until the end of the story, when he learns that his wife, who was transfixed by a song sung as they were leaving, is still missing an old lover she had before him who died after taking a chill waiting outside her window. This ending leaves the reader as perplexed as the character, trying to puzzle out what the meaning was intended to be and where the attention should have been focused. In much the same way, "Deep in the very heart of Africa" is a painting that provides very little context as to where the viewer is supposed to look. The art work presents what seems to be a diagonal maze stretched across a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Zara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Zara - Essay Example By using these chips, Zara can easily and quickly determine their consumer trends. The company can identify which of its products are quickly bought by their customers. RFID technology have allowed Zara to conduct inventories regularly and this helps the company to paint an accurate picture of what fashions are selling well and which ones are languishing. This assists the company to plan and meet the demand posed by their consumers through the most in-demand fashion. Other industries could also adopt the radio frequency identification- RFID chips to help track their business. This technology can assist businesses within diverse industries to track their sells or business assets. This strategy can become adopted by organizations that are in the transport industry. By placing RFID chips on their trucks, transport companies can determine where there trucks are at any particular time. This helps the companies to keep track of the transportation and movement of goods which they may be charged with. Proper tracking in business helps to boost sells and provide a good ground for inventory

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Recommendation Report for Debenhams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recommendation Report for Debenhams - Assignment Example This report is useful to the extent that it provides information about the position of the company and about its management structure which might have future implications for its strategic decisions. By looking at the dividend policy, key stake can understand the expected returns from the company or its future growth plans. This report highlights the activities that the company is doing for the community as a whole. This includes imbibing â€Å"green† operations which do not have negative impact on the environment, following ethical practices which means that the company does not indulge in activities that immoral, being employee focused and ensuring their professional and personal growth, being customer centric by understanding their requirements and being useful to the society as a whole by donating to the needy or starting projects that help in improving the quality of life of individuals ( Consistent fall in consumer spending is a very significant risk for the company especially at the time when the world has still not come out of the economic crisis of 2008. Most of the company’s business is in UK and Ireland with only 2.7% of the total transactions being contributed by international business ( This can cause a major slowdown of the company owing to the fact that UK is going for major fiscal tightening measures and Ireland is also not showing much economic recovery. The company is trying to mitigate this risk with increasing its reach in international markets. Failure to roll out new stores can reduce sales. This has been accounted for by appropriate mitigating steps. This arises on account of failure of the company to understand consumer expectations and also on account of competition. The company claims to counter these risks by maintaining good customer as well as supplier relations. The company

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Impact of using New Technology in Art Exhibitions Dissertation

The Impact of using New Technology in Art Exhibitions - Dissertation Example The traditional exhibition industry has been altered with the addition of technological dynamics. Technology in this field has not only enhanced the emotional expression of art but also made networking more efficient. It has affected the way viewers observe and appreciate art and exhibitions. It has even widened the spectrum of viewers by creating the interest of more and more people. Advancements in technology offer many benefits to the museum industry but these benefits are accompanied by challenges as well. The plans of Minsheng Art Museum can shed some light on the impact of modern technology on its business. This impact may not necessarily be for the best and this will be analyzed later in the paper. Technology has greatly influenced our lifestyle and will continue to do so in the future; therefore, its impact cannot be ignored. Minsheng Art Museum has introduced several innovative methods in its business of exhibitions. These technological methods involve the use of Ipad, Itouc h and Iphone and their relevant applications. Moreover, the museum’s management has initiated contact with Apple to promote its business and Apple has orally assured its support. This cooperation will give birth to a fully digital art gallery that will include guidance system, app client software, on-line exhibitions and virtual exhibitions. This plan is still in the early stages therefore the precise details are unavailable. However, the museum has already started using official micro-blogging. The idea of using the cellular technology springs from the growing interactive relationship between the audience and their high-tech cell phones. The experience of art galleries and exhibitions can be encompassed in this user-phone interaction and that it how it will be promoted among cellular users. Cell phones have become more personal in nature in this modern day and age. Moreover, they do not just serve the purpose of establishing contact with fellow humans. Cell phones have now e ntered a whole new era where they have become high-tech machines. These machines hold great importance to their holders as they represent their personalities. Cell phones have become so advanced that they can even serve the purpose of a mini computer. All of these attributes make cell phones the ideal candidate to promote art and history. Museums have the opportunity to use this technology to provide their audience with a virtual experience of what they have to offer. Apple products have become extremely popular among the youth as it offers a wide range of applications. These applications present a great opportunity to exhibition curators. Museums can use these applications to spread their message. This message in turn promotes the museum and attracts more people. The museum has resorted to the use of online social media for marketing as well. Facebook and twitter could not be used in China so that is why the museum uses Weibo which is an online social media website like Facebook. T he museum promotes its exhibitions through Weibo. This is similar to the use â€Å"What’s app† in Iphone. Iphone or Ipod applications can be used as navigator for the exhibition. This technology is already available in Iphone but the key is to know how to use it to promote this business. These applications can serve their purpose by helping the audience make up their opinion about the exhibition. The museum can provide information on the content of the exhibition on such Iphone applications. This was the audience can

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing Professional Practice Essay Example for Free

Marketing Professional Practice Essay Executive Summary This report aims to develop some feasible strategies for a non-profit making organization – Care For Your Heart to achieve objectives in certain areas: 1. Enhancing the public awareness of the organization’s profile and service; 2. Reaching the youngsters and working group segments; 3. Gaining more donations for future development; and 4. Strengthening the network with medical doctors or nurses as part of voluntary work. These objectives can be carried out by the three main recommended strategies, include rebranding, sponsorship campaigns, and volunteer programs. Before launching other programs, rebranding is recommended to refine the image of Care For Your Heart by designing a new logo and name, which is more professional and appealing to the target market. The rebranding is also related to the strategies for achieving the organization’s new direction. The sponsorship campaigns aim at attracting companies for sponsorship, enhancing public awareness, and attract donations. The prospective sponsors include Nestle, Hung Fuk Tong, Watson, and HKHC. The respective strategies are Nestle milk powder lid design, Turn in Your Can; Hung Fuk Tong Care For Your Heart soup series; Watson Heart Caring Bottle Label Competition and launch of water bottle, carboy bottle design and poster distribution at offices; Cardiac Health Care Bus, Health Care Charity Fund, professional health talks, and Charity Health Check Day. Furthermore, volunteers for current and future events and campaigns are sourced from IVE, medical colleges, doctors, and HKHC. These strategies provide substantial benefits to Care For Your Heart. By successfully striving sponsorship and donations, Care For Your Heart can enhance its visibility, awareness and credibility via appearance of logo on sponsor’s products and websites. Donation is easier to attract when the organization is more credible, and more funds can be used to offer more activities for its members and the public. The campaigns and volunteer programs allow the organization to reach its young and business target markets when products and events are exposed at heavy traffic spots and offices. The sponsorship programs will last for two years, and the volunteer program is on a continuous basis, which the details are shown in the timeline in the later part of this report. And the estimated budget is set. Background of Organization Care For Your Heart is a registered non-profit charitable organization formed by a group of cardiac patients together with their families since 1995. Its services mainly target cardiac patients and their families. In 1998, Care For Your Heart set up the first cardiac mutual help and resource center, and is committed to patients and the public health (Organization Introduction 2010). Up until 2011, Care For Your Heart has more than 2600 members, and over 180 volunteers (Number of Members 2010). Members mostly age around 51 to 80 (Age of Members 2010), and geographically concentrated in Hong Kong Island (Residence of Members 2010). The sources of funds is attracted from multiple channels; include donations, Community Chest, Social Welfare Department and other activities (Sources of Funds 2010). Logo of the Organization The flower-liked logo represents that the organization is concerned about heart related issues. Vision and mission of Organization Care For Your Heart aims to encourage mutual support spirit among cardiac patients and family support, so that the patients can positively face their illness (Organization Introduction 2010). It strives to enhance cardiac patients knowledge towards cardiac diseases, boost recovery, and prevent the opportunity of relapse; to act as a bridge between patients and medical institutions in order to provide all-round services; gather patients, protect and strive for rights and welfares; promoting social knowledge about cardiac disease, prevention, caring and accepting cardiac patients and enhance public awareness towards heart healthiness (Organization Introduction 2010). Care For Your Heart aims to increase the number of members; encourage members nd others to volunteer in charitable events and supporting activities; to attract more stable funding, such as monthly donation; to enhance awareness and educate public about the increasing trend of youngsters suffering from coronary heart disease; to motivate general public changing their lifestyle to improve health; to attract business groups’ awareness about cardiac disease; to establish a stronger network with doctors for f acilitating volunteer work, and other events and activities. (Future Prospect 2010). . Introduction The chairman of Care For Your Heart has illustrated the current issues faced by the organization and proposed several questions. This report is to develop feasible strategies for the organization to overcome its situation and further development in certain area. 1. Develop relevant strategies in order to enhance the public awareness of the organisation’s profile and service; 2. Attract more younger and working groups to join the organization; 3. Gain more donations for further development and 4. Strengthen a network of medical doctors or nurses as part of voluntary work. 2. Target Market 3. 1. Target Group The target market is defined by Care For Your Heart, basing on its current situation and problem. Based on research, heart disease has a rejuvenating trend and threatening working group aged 20 years old or above. These groups are targeted as they are constantly under high pressure and heavy workload. Business class with quick life rhythm typically lack of resting time. In addition, they always overlook the importance of keeping their heart healthy. 3. 2. Medical Doctor Another target group is the medical doctors. Medical doctors play an important role for these kinds of organization because of their professional medical knowledge. Other than that, Care For Your Heart inviting medical doctors for volunteering can expand their network in medical field and increase its credibility to the public . 3. 3. Partnership The following are some suggested partners for Care For Your Heart to cooperate with: * Nestle Hung Fook Tong * Watson * Hong Kong Health Check Medical Diagnostic Group Limited Details will be illustrated in the following part of the report. 3. 4. Other Stakeholder Stakeholders| Details| Donors| * Existing donors (Social Welfare Department, The Community Chest, Food and Health Bureau) * Potential donors at all ages in global * It is important for a non-profit organization to have positive and enough reputation, which will influence donation. Policy from donation also affect the operation of the organization| University| * Helps to disseminate cardiac information * Helps to enhance the awareness of the organisation * Eg: Hong Kong College of Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong etc| Hospital| * Reach more cardiac patients * Helps to enhance the reputation of the organisation| General Public| * Opinions leaders who can influence the peers * cardiac patients and families| Media| * Global newspapers and magazines * TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines publishers, leaflets, seminar| Potential Investors| * Corporations or individuals that are interested to invest in â€Å"Care For Your Heart† (Children’s Heart Foundation and The Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association: can enhance the awareness of â€Å"Care For Your Heart† and donation| 3. Campaign Strategy 3. 1. Rebranding As brand is a valuable asset, it allows organization to communicate a clear set of v alues toward its stakeholders. Non-profit organization is a kind of concept-brand which is associated with an abstract concept, such as cancer awareness, environmentalism or cardiac disease (Daly and Moloney 2004, 30). The current logo of Care For Your Heart is too old-fashion and poorly deliver the meaning about cardiac care issues. To best meet the target group, suggestion is given for the organization to redesign its logo and name. Rebranding  is the creation of a new name, term, symbol, design, or a combination of them for an established brand with the intention of developing a new position in the mind of stakeholders (Daly and Moloney 2004, 30). The change in the name and logo of the organization may enhance public awareness and reputation. Furthermore, the newly established brand elements can also better related to the current situation that the organization is facing (Muzellec and Lambkin 2008, 284). The new logo and name designed for the organization aims to better suit the target group, and will be illustrate in the following: 3. 1. 1 New logo: The new logo echoes with the name â€Å"Care For Your Heart†, containing a hand showing a gesture of holding a heart. Hand represents human; gesture represents caring; heart represent cardiac and compassion. The new logo is simple, more eye-catching, and the meaning is more obvious at a glance than the old version, thus the target market can easily understand the role of Care For Your Heart. Furthermore, the logo shows the commitment of Care For Your Heart to embark on a new direction and coordinate with our proposed strategies. 3. 1. 2 New name: Care For Your Heart can rename its Chinese name from to. The new name provides formality, thus projecting a more professional image. Moreover, it can better represent the mission of Care For Your Heart, which is to gather cardiac patients for mutual help and enhance public’s concern of cardiac disease. 3. 2. Seek For Partnership To achieve the goals proposed by the client, it is necessary for the organization to engage some partnership in order to support its daily operation and further activities. There are four potential companies for partnering with Care For Your Heart to enhance awareness, funding supply and voluntary work, including: Nestle, Hung Fong Tong, Watson and Hong Kong Health Check Medical Diagnostic Group Limited. These potential partners have similar vision and mission within Care For Your Heart in terms of concerning the health of people. The cooperation between â€Å"for profit† business and non-profit organization is called cause-related marketing (CRM), which both parties are involved to create mutual benefits. â€Å"For profit† business implemented CRM to build brands, revitalize corporate, carrying out corporate social responsibilities, and make community involvement visible (Papasolomou, and Kitchen 2011, 63). Non-profit organization can be benefited due to the contributions from the â€Å"for profit† business in order to meet its needs and objectives. CRM is proved to be an important marketing tool which demonstrates a firm’s commitment in addressing a social issue (Papasolomou, and Kitchen 2011, 63). The following are the strategies proposed to cooperate with the partners. 3. 3. 1. Nestle Carnation Omega High Calcium Milk Powder Reason for partnership with Nestle Nestle is a well-known nutrition, health and wellness company which founded in Switzerland in 1866. The company’s mission is â€Å"Good Food, Good Life†, which is to provide great tasting, nutritionally superior food and beverage, and great services to consumers around the world (Nestle 2011). Creating shared value is a fundamental part of Nestles way of doing business to create long-term value for shareholders and society, which is beyond compliance and sustainability (Creating Shared Value 2011). One of its products, the Carnation Omega High Calcium Milk Powder is chosen as a health product for the World Heart Day in 2010 and 2011. This low-fat milk power can strengthen the heart and reduces cardiac related diseases. The ingredients and functions of this mike powder are the followings (Milk Powder 2008). i. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acid: Regulate body’s cholesterol level and benefit to the cardiovascular system. ii. Low-fat: Reduce fat absorption which benefit to the heart. iii. High in calcium: Benefit to the bones and prevent osteoporosis. iv. Vitamin A, B and E: Assist in metabolism and health function. This milk powder was sold in different channels as well as supermarket and drugstore in Hong Kong, such as PARKnSHOP, Welcome and Watson. Each of them operates more than 200 stores and has different customer segments. It is believed that Care For Your Heart can gain benefits through enhanced awareness, and obtaining stable and long-term based donation. Proposed Strategy I. Cardiac information inside the lid, and logo on the package. Cardiac information as well as â€Å"7 ways to protect your heart†, â€Å"Make your heart healthier†, etc. is suggested to print on the internal side of the lid. Every time when consumer opens the lid, they can read the information provided by Care For Your Heart. A colorful background can be used in order to attract their attention and increase the visibility of such information. Moreover, the logo of the organization is also printed on the package of the milk powder to gain awareness (Refer to Appendix 1 and 2). The followings are the suggested cardiac information. 7 ways to protect your heart: * Maintain appropriate cholesterol level by having low-fat diet * Maintain appropriate weight and balanced diets. * Eat 2 fruits every day * At least 30 minutes aerobic exercise per day * No smoking and alcohol * Remain a cheerful mood * Regular Body check II. â€Å"Turn in Your cans† Yoplait Yogurt, a France originated brand founded in 1964, had launched a campaign called â€Å"Save Lids to Save Lives† for 10 years. The main concept of this campaign was to raise money for charity organization and activities, such as Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation,  Race for the Cure, etc. Every lid that the customer reserved, Yoplait will donate US$0. 1 after they registered the code number on the lid online (Save Lids to Save Lives 2011). A loyalty program called â€Å"Turn in Your Cans† is proposed to achieve long-term relationship among three parties: the customer, Care For Your Heart, and Nestle. When customer finished one can of milk powder, they could turn in the can to a supermarket or drugstore, then Nestle could collect those cans for recycling. A stamp would be awarded per one returned can. When customer collected 3, 5 and 10 stamps, they can enjoy discount of 10%, 30% and 50% respectively for the next purchase. This campaign could increase customers’ loyalty towards this milk powder, and attract purchases from new customers. As a result, Nestle can gain an increase in sales, and Care For Your Heart can receive donations. III. 5% donation from the total sales of the milk powder To obtain long-term donation, Care For Your Heart could receive 5% of total sales from this milk powder. The milk powder is selling at the price around HKD$104. 6, which means Care For Your Heart can receive approximately HKD$5 from each can of milk powder sold. 3. 3. 2. Hung Fook Tong Reason for partnership with Hung Fook Tong Hung Fook Tong is the biggest herbal tea group in Hong Kong founded in 1980s. With more than 700 staff members, and over 100 stores among Hong Kong (Milestone 2011), it is persistent in using genuine ingredients with no added preservatives in the product. Producing and developing quality products are the philosophy of â€Å"making naturally† (Mission 2011). In 2011, Hung Fook Tong acquired the prime awards for corporate social responsibility 2011 from Prime magazine (Company news 2011), which shows that Hung Fook Tong continuously strive to fulfill corporate social responsibility. Hung Fook Tong has introduced a series of Chinese soup and individually packed soup into the market under its brand name. Those series of soup is nourishing, which helps to maintain good body condition and is good for health. As individually packed soup could reduce the time of making soup at home, it is typically popular among working class. Thus Hung Fook Tong is another suggested source to cooperate with for gaining long-term donation and enhancing public awareness. Proposed Strategy I. â€Å"Care For Your Heart† soup series There are several soup recipes shared by some Chinese medical doctors on Care For Your Heart website. Those soups are beneficial to the heart and can prevent heart attack. Care For Your Heart could cooperate with Hung Fook Tong to introduce these series of soup or invest in new soups for the target market. Such as: * Mushroom  soup with bamboo fungus and  lotus root. * Black hen soup with lily and cloud ear fungus. * Black hen soup with chestnut. These series of soup can sold at a cheaper price HKD$40 for increasing sales volume, which others series are sold at HKD$48 and HKD$63. II. Logo on the package front and cardiac information at the package back The logo of Care For Your Heart is suggested to put on the front side of the individually packaged soup, and some cardiac information at the back. This increases the visibility of the organization, as well as disseminating cardiac information when customer turns the package to look at the ingredient list of the soup. During the selection process, consumers make decisions base on the soup’s functions, thus the â€Å"Care For Your Heart series† can impress those that concern about heart health, and attract those customers that are previously not aware of the heart health series. The logo of Care For your Heart can also be placed on the menu to increase visibility (Refer to Appendix 3 and 4). III. 5 % donation from the total sales of â€Å"Care For Your Heart† series Care For Your Heart could receive 5% total sales of individually packed soup in order to obtain long-term donation. Each individually packed soup is sold at the price around HKD$40, which means Care For Your Heart can received approximate HKD$2 from each sold of the soup. IV. Coupon Hung Fook Tong can also sponsor 500 packs of coupons, which contains 10 pieces within one pack with a total value of HKD$398, to Care For Your Heart for voluntary reward purpose. 3. 3. 3. Watson Reason for partnership with Watson Firstly, Watsons Water under A. S. Watson Group is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hutchison Whampoa Limited, and is a world-renowned brand for supplying purest quality water. Moreover, the A. S. Watson Group has obtained a number of awards, such as â€Å"Asia’s Best Brand Award – for excellence in Branding and Marketing† in 2010 and 2011, â€Å"Caring Company† by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services from 2002 to 2011, and â€Å"Top Ten Brand names Award† by Chinese Manufacturer’ Association of Hong Kong in 2003 (Our Achievements 2011). Furthermore, A. S. Watson Group is positive related to healthiness, as it owns the Watsons Athletic Club which is committed in sponsoring and supporting local athletic events. This healthy association links with Care For Your Heart’s mission to improve public’s health issues. Secondly, the A. S. Watson Group is committed in performing corporate social responsibilities, and view CSR as opportunities. From A. S. Watson official website: â€Å"We encourage our business unites to develop programmes with organizations that are relevant to local community needs, and we support our employees’ effort in getting involved and contributing to society (Lai 2011). † This provides a favorable circumstance for Care For Your Heart to persuade Watson’s participation. Thirdly, Watsons Water has wide distribution channels, from street stores to big chained supermarkets. With the various availability of channels, it allows Care For Your Heart to increase exposure to the public and enhance the recognition of the company name. Proposed Strategy There are 3 main activities in this campaign: including Watsons bottled water label design competition, donation from the designed bottle, and cardiac slogan labels on Watsons Water carboy series and posters distributed to offices I. Watsons bottled water label design competition The first stage of this campaign starts with organizing a Watsons bottled water (both distilled and mineral water) label competition hosts by Watson and cooperates by Care For Your Heart. The theme of this competition is called â€Å" † â€Å"Watsons Heart Caring Bottle Design Competition†, which encourage a submission of bottle label design aiming at enhancing public’s awareness towards cardiac disease. The competition will open for one to two months and targets youngsters age 15 to 25, whom are interested in drawing or design, and would seek for self-esteem through competition. The opening of this competition will be announced via newspapers (both paid and free), Watsons Water’s official website, and Facebook page. For motivation, awards will be given to the top three winners. The tentative prizes include: Champion: HK$5000 with certificate First runner up: HK$3000 with certificate Second runner up: HK$1500 with certificate All participants will also obtain a certificate as encouragement. After collecting all designs, both Watson and Care For Your Heart will have representatives appraising the designs and select the winners. A press conference will be held for the announcement and award ceremony of the top three winners. And their work will be launched on the bottle, which will be further discussed below. II. Launch of the specially designed bottle for donation to Care For Your Heart After the end of competition, the second stage of the campaign is the launch of this specially designed Watsons Water. The top three winners’ designs will be launched for 280ML to 800ML bottled water, both distilled and mineral. The distribution channels include all major types of supermarkets (Welcome, Parkn’ Shop, City’super etc. ), convenient stores (7-11, Circle K etc. ). The preparation for the label design will be around one month, and the tentative distribution period is set to be 2 to 4 months. Care For Your Heart can negotiate the percentage of total sales for donation with Watson. The recommended percentage is 5 to 15%. Furthermore, the label will contain information about the donation. For example: â€Å"Every bottle of water you purchase, Watson will donate $1 for Care For Your Heart on cardiac disease funding. † III. Cardiac info/ slogan on the Watson’s water carboy series in offices and posters distribution The third stage of the campaign is the launch of promotional label on Watsons Water carboy together with the distribution of posters to offices. The objectives of this event are to create opportunity for Care For Your Heart to reach the business sectors and to increase their awareness towards cardiac disease and provide some tips on prevention. This campaign will last for one to one and a half year. i. Poster Posters will be distributed together with the water bottles, and encourages offices to post it in the pantry or places near the water dispenser. The poster will contain some brief tips on preventing the formation of cardiac disease due to stress and imbalanced lifestyle. The information on the poster is the same as the information on the lids of the Nestle milk powder (Refer to Appendix 5). ii. Label A label is designed for 4. 5L, 12L and 18L bottles which fit most types of water dispenser, containing Care For Your Heart’s logo, slogans about heart protection. Appendix 6 shows an example of the label design. IV. 5% donation from the sales of designed Watsons Water bottle Watsons bottle water sold at the price HKD$6. 5, which Care For Your Heart can receive an approximate donation of HKD$0. 3 per bottle of the water sold. 3. 3. 4. Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group Limited (HKHC) Reason for partnership with HKHC Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group Limited (HKHC) is a company providing a variety of body check service to the community and has developed 15 health checking center in Hong Kong. The mission of the company is to provide  excellent  and  high standards of  imaging and  diagnostic services in order to improve  community  health under the concept of  preventive medicine. (About Us, 2011) It is chosen to work with Care For Your Heart as the two organizations are sharing similar missions of improving community health and health care awareness. Proposed Strategy I. Cardiac Health Care Bus The main functions of the Cardiac Health Care Bus are to provide free basic heart disease related health checks, for example, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol; and educate public about heart disease preventions. If patients are diagnosed to have a possibility of getting cardiac disease, they will be refered to HKHC for a comprehensive health check. A medical professional and two volunteers from Care For Your Heart will be on duty in the bus. There will be 6 buses available, 3 for New Territories, 2 for Kowloon and 1 for Hong Kong Island. The buses will serve everyday in two spots with two time periods, from 11a. m. to 3p. m, and 4p. m. to 8p. m. , which can serve around 50 to 70 people every day. This idea is feasible as it has been successfully adopted by other organizations, such as the Pok Oi Hospital. II. Health Care Charity Fund (HCCF) HCCF is a working partner of HKHC, who aims to implant the concept of Health we care you care to the community through educational and medical healthcare service (Vision and Mission. 2011). Its missions are to help the needy of the community by offering free health check services and organizing professional health talks; to increase the healthcare awareness of the community by promoting the concept of preventive healthcare through comprehensive periodic health check at the highest standard; and to serve the community through supporting volunteering services which organized by non-profit making organizations or collaborated with local communities (Vision and Mission. 2011). The nature of this organization fits with Care For Your Heart’s vision as both organizations achieve their missions by organizing talks, fund raising and voluntary work. Two programs are designed for corporation of CFYH and HCCF. i. Professional Health Talks Health talks will operate once each year at each community center in 18 districts by Care For Your Heart. The talks emphasize on heart care related topics, such as prevention, types of heart disease etc. Professional speakers are the volunteers from HKHC and talks are sponsored by HCCF. Each talk is opened for 100 to 200 audiences (depends on the population of the district) and is free of charge. The target of this campaign is to reach citizens in 18 districts within one year and four months for 6 districts. For the first four months, talks will operate in North, Tai Po, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Yeun Long; the next four months will operate in Kwai Tsing, Kowloon City Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Wong Tai Sin and Yau Tsim Mong; and the last four months will operate in Island, Sai Kung, Central and Western, Eastern, Southern and Wan Chai. ii. Charity Health Check Day The date of Charity Health Check Day is set on the World Heart Day in every year. 5 to 10% of body checks income from HKHC will donate to Care For Your Heart through HCCF. HCCF used this format previously with HKHC and the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) on mother’s and father’s day in 2011. Part of the body check income on that day was donated to HCCF, and the donations are used to provide personal emergency link for the elderly people (Tuesday Charity Health Check Day, 2011. ). 3. 3. Potential benefits receive by Care For Your Heart By the partnership with the above sponsors, Care For Your Heart can be benefited in various ways. I. Enhance awareness Firstly, as concerned by Care For Your Heart, it is currently facing low recognition by the public. To reverse this situation, its visibility, awareness and credibility can be increased by having Care For Your Heart’s name and logo appearing on sponsor’s events, and product packaging, which the product is well-recognized, easily found and consumed. Care For Your Heart can also leverage Nestle, Hung Fook Tong, Watson and HKHC’s goodwill on being healthy. Moreover, those sponsors enhance Care For Your Heart’s publicity by placing the organization name as the beneficiary organization at the end of the TV commercial. II. Reach the target segments Those proposed strategies allow Care For Your Hear to reach its desired target segments – the youngsters and businesses. Different channels were used for the distribution of the product by Nestle and Hung Fook Tong, such as supermarket, drugstore and MTR shop as well, which helps in increase exposure and visibility of its name and logo to different segment. Moreover, the Watson bottle water competition provides an opportunity for youngsters to demonstrate their stills in art, and act as a channel to educate them about cardiac diseases through participation. On the other hand, labels on carboy bottles and posters in office pantry can be an attention getting tool. By placing these at prominent spot, it can firstly get their attention. When they are continuously exposed to the information, they will be able to remember and recall the message. Furthermore, if the Cardiac Health Care Bus is successfully introduced, the mobility of those buses can further help Care For Your Heart in reaching more people in Hong Kong. III. Donation Donations can be gained through the sales of each product and the money can be used for funding daily operations or future activities. Furthermore, if the sponsors are willing to renew the contracts with Care For Your Heart, it will be able to obtain donations in a long-term basis. 3. 4. Potential benefits receive by sponsors I. Perform Corporate Social Responsibility The main benefit that Nestle, Hung Fook Tong, Watson and HKHC could gain is to accomplish its role in performing corporate social responsibility. Each company is committed to invest on creating shared value for society, as well as social welfare, environmental protection and other aspects regarding to the global compact. Companies could achieve its goals when cooperating with Care For Your Heart. II. Improved brand image Furthermore, the ultimate objective of performing CSR is to improve consumers’ perception towards the brand, which is being a contributor to the society thus enhancing goodwill. III. Boost Sales Each sponsor can boost its sales or expands market share due to its contribution to the society. Customers are more likely to choose a product when they realize that they can engaging in the contribution process (Stanalan, Lwin, and Murphy 2011, 51). IV. Benefits distributed by Care For Your Heart Care For Your Heart will provide the following benefits to all sponsors: * Have a one page free advertisement in the organisation magazine and annual report. Brief profile of the sponsors and the detail of ongoing campaigns on Care For You Heart website * Acknowledge the name and logo at the bottom of Care For Your Heart official website with hyperlinks to sponsors’ homepages * Acknowledge the name and logo on all promotion materials including newsletters, organisation magazines, broch ure covers or free gift bags etc. * Acknowledge the name and logo of sponsors on volunteers’ shirts * Provide at least one banner during any events * Announcement of sponsorships in all events or public speech * Guaranteed to be the only sponsor in the same category of industry * Allow to display company’s materials or products on the table for any events 3. 5. Volunteers’ recruitment The recruitment of volunteers for Care For Your Heart targets three groups: students from IVE, trainees of medical colleges, retired doctors, and the Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group. The details of the recruitment program are the followings. IVE On recruiting volunteers for Care For Your Heart, firstly, a non-academic volunteer program can be opened for the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education students majoring in Applied Nutritional Science, Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Care, or Social services. Students are encouraged to apply the campaign throughout their study. This volunteer campaign requires students to participate in volunteer work for Care For Your Heart once in two weeks for four to six hours. The working time will be recorded and accumulated until they graduate or withdraw from the program. A quota on working time is set for students as a goal, for example, participating volunteer work for 72 hours in half a year. Students who have achieved the goal of this program will be rewarded with a non-academic award by Care For Your Heart, which is beneficial to their future career. Medical colleges’ trainees Secondly, trainees in medical colleges of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong are a considerable group for voluntary works. They obtain the required health care knowledge and elementary first aid skills. Moreover, this voluntary program can be included as part of the intern training. Similar with the program for IVE, a certificate will be given to participants as a reward, which helps their future career. Moreover, participants can enrich their practical experience before they enter the society. Medical professional Thirdly, doctors are another great source to attract as volunteers. They obtain the expertise in the cardiac field thus able to provide professional consultation for patients. Care For Your Heart can target this group by inviting those doctors that are seeking self-actualization, and appeal to them through mental motivation. For example, suggesting them to offer one or two days of voluntary consultation. By acquiring a sufficient number of voluntary doctors, members of Care For Your Heart can be benefited as it has more human resources to organize thorough functions and events for its members and the public, thus achieving the goals of increasing public awareness towards cardiac disease. Moreover, doctors can enhance their reputation and image by showing their sincerity in contributing to the society. Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group Lastly, referring to the event of the Cardiac Health Care Bus campaign, doctors from the Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group will volunteer for conducting simple tests and explain the health report to patients. Moreover, regarding this event, additional helpers are needed for showing information and assisting the doctor. These helpers can be chosen from IVE and medical college volunteers mentioned above. 3. 6. 5. Motivations to volunteers Besides, by analyzing their profile, Care For Your Heart can obtain data on the number of medical professionals and young volunteers the organization has attracted . ii. Amount of Donation Two sources of donations are needed to be evaluated: the public and partnership programs. By measuring the amount of donation from public and sponsoring partners, it can reflect Care For Your Heart’s reputation and credibility in public’s mindset. It can also show the benefits gain by both parties when the campaigns are launched (increased sales, product awareness and reputation). iii. Awareness Public opinion research will be conducted 3 times after 4, 12 and 24 months. The survey aims to collect data including: awareness and image of the organization; frequency and amount of donation; and awareness of activities and partnership program. The result will demonstrate whether the new strategies and rebranding are successful in enhancing the public awareness, especially within the working class. Regulate evaluation acts as a monitory function and can state the weaknesses of each program. Therefore, the organization can reinforce certain areas in order to achieve the ultimate goals. 6. Conclusion To conclude, Care For Your Heart could reach its target groups and deliver cardiac related information to the public by adopting the strategies mentioned above. Rebranding and those cooperative strategies can meet its goals effectively and efficiently. By performing cause-related marketing, all participating parties will receive benefits from the campaigns, as well as enhancing public awareness and improving brand image. The sales volume of the newly introduced products and the current product will also be increased, due to the change of customers’ perception towards the brand. The corporate partners will provide funding supply from the donations gained from product sales, and hence increase the cash flow of Care For Your Heart. Moreover, the reputation of Care For Your Heart will also be enhanced by the well-known partners. http://www. pokoi. org. hk/tc/services_cmedical. aspx http://www. hungfooktong. com/news/n017/index. html ;

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Thesis writing guide Essay Example for Free

Thesis writing guide Essay The Centre for Graduate Studies of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) would like to extend its appreciation to the members of staff who contributed their efforts and ideas in the preparation of this fourth edition of the Thesis Writing Guide. This manuscript was updated based on the third edition published in 2006. The Centre would also like to thank all parties involved in the publication of the manuscript. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vii CHAPTER 1 THESIS STRUCTURE AND CONTENT 1 1. 1. Thesis definition 1 1. 2 Thesis structure 1 1. 3 Thesis status declaration 2 1. 4 Viva voce examination panel 3 1. 5 Title page 3 1. 6 Declaration page 3 1. 7 Dedication page (Optional) 3 1. 8 Acknowledgement page (Optional) 4 1. 9 Abstract 4 1. 10 Content page 4 1. 11 List of tables page 5 1. 12 List of figures page 5 1. 13 List of symbols and abbreviations page 5 1. 14 List of appendices page 5 1. 15 Text 6 1. 15. 1 References in the text 7 1. 15. 2 Tables in the text 7 iv 1. 15. 3 Figures in the text 8 1. 15. 4 Equation in the text 9 1. 16 References 9 1. 17 Appendices 10 1. 18 Vita 10 CHAPTER 2 SIZE AND FORMAT. 11 2. 1 Paper and size 11 2. 2 Margin 11 2. 3 Page numbering 11 2. 4 Numbering of chapters and sub-titles 12 2. 5 Typing 13 2. 6 Spacing and format 13 2. 7 Printing of documents 14 2. 8 Lettering and drawings 14 2. 9 Maximum number of pages 15 2. 10 Binding of thesis 15 2. 10. 1 Cover colour and letterings 15 2. 10. 2 Thesis cover 16 2. 10. 3 Thesis spine 16 2. 10. 4 Trimming 16 CHAPTER 3 FORMAT OF REFERENCES 17 3. 1 Introduction 17 3. 2 Author (Date) System 17 3. 2. 1 Writing cited information 19 3. 2. 2 Writing the reference list 21 3. 2. 3 Writing the names of authors 22 3. 2. 4 Referring different types of sources 23 v 3. 3 31 3. 3. 1 Citing references in the text 31 IEEE Format 31 3. 4. 1 Citing references in the text 3. 4 Referring to Electronic References 31 3. 4. 2 Writing Style in publishing of reference list 31 REFERENCES 36 APPENDIX 38 vi LIST OF TABLES 1. 1 Structure and content of thesis 1 CHAPTER 1 THESIS STRUCTURE AND CONTENT 1. 1 Definition The specific use of the word â€Å"thesis† in this guide refers to the academic writings submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the doctoral degree or the masters by research degree. The word â€Å"thesis† is also used in general to refer to the master’s project report and research dissertations, which are the documents submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of masters by coursework or mixed-mode, as well as the undergraduate project reports. 1. 2 Structure A thesis is made up of several sections, arranged in the sequence shown in Table 1. 1. Table 1. 1: Sequence of contents NO. SECTION REQUIREMENT EXAMPLE (APPENDIX) REMARKS 1 Blank Page 2 Declaration of Thesis Status Required A1/ A2/ A3/A4 Unnumbered 3 Examiners’ Declaration Required B Unnumbered 2 Table 1. 1 (continued) NO. SECTION REQUIREMENT 4 Title Required EXAMPLE (APPENDIX) C1/ C2/ C3 5 Student’s Declaration Required D1 /D2 6 Dedication Optional E 7 Acknowledgements Optional F 8 Abstract Required 9 Contents Required G1a/ G1b/ G2a G2b H 10 List of Tables Required I 11 List of Figures Required J 12 Required K 13 List of Symbols and Abbreviations List of Appendices Required L 14 Text Required M 15 References Required P1/P2 16 Appendices Optional 17 Vita Required Q 1. 3 REMARKS Unnumbered but considered as (i) Lowercase Roman numeral (ii) Lowercase Roman numeral Lowercase Roman numeral Lowercase Roman numeral Lowercase Roman  numeral Lowercase Roman numeral Lowercase Roman numeral Lowercase Roman numeral Lowercase Roman numeral Arabic numeral starting with the page number Arabic numeral continued with text Arabic numeral continued with text Unnumbered Declaration of thesis status The status of a thesis must be declared by completing the Thesis Status Form as shown in APPENDICES A1-A4. If a thesis is to be classified as confidential or limited, a letter seeking this classification must be obtained from the organisations concerned and submitted to the Dean of the Centre for Graduate Studies, the Dean of the Faculty or related academic centres. The approval letter must state the reasons for and duration of the classification. The typical duration for this classification is three years. Where an author classifies a thesis as unlimited, the University shall assume that the thesis is non-confidential. Copies of the thesis can be made and used by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. 3 1. 4 Viva voce examination panel The names of the members of the viva voce examination panel shall be included as shown in APPENDIX B. This page is not applicable for the master’s project report or the undergraduate project report. 1. 5 Title. The title page must contain the following information in the following order: (i) Title of the thesis; (ii) Full name of the student; (iii) Statement on the purpose of the thesis submission; (iv) Name of the faculty or centre where the student is registered; (v) Name of the University; and (vi) The month and year the thesis was written and accepted. Theses for the Master’s degree by research and the Doctor of Philosophy degree must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee (Jawatankuasa Pengajian Siswazah), whilst others must be approved by the relevant committee. (Please refer to APPENDICES C1-C3) 1. 6 Declaration The declaration page contains a statement declaring the originality of the thesis. It must be signed by the author. Please refer to APPENDICES D1-D2. 1. 7 Dedication (optional) The dedication message must be concise, must not exceed one paragraph and must not contain any numbers, graphs or figures. Please refer to APPENDIX E. 4 1. 8 Acknowledgements (optional) Acknowledgements must be written on a single page only. Its purpose is to record the author’s appreciation for individuals or organisations that provided their assistance either directly or indirectly in the preparation of the thesis. Please refer to APPENDIX F. 1. 9 Abstract The abstract is a short summary of the thesis. It should describe the rationale and objectives (problem statement), the methodology, as well as the findings and conclusion of the study undertaken. The abstract must not be longer than 250 words for a Master’s thesis or Master’s project report and not longer than 350 words for a Doctoral thesis written in two languages, Bahasa Melayu and English. For a thesis written in English, the abstract must be written in English first followed by its Malay translation on the next page. Do not include any literature review, unexplained abbreviations, limitations or suggestions for future research in the abstract. It must be written with a spacing of one and a half (1? ) lines. Please refer example abstract for engineering at APPENDIX G1a and APPENDIX G2a and example abstract for social science at APPENDIX G1b and APPENDIX G2b. 1. 10 Table of contents The table of contents must begin on a new page. The information is organised by chapter, topic and page number. Every chapter, topic and page number shown in the table of contents must correspond to the same chapter, topic and page number in the thesis. Sub-titles may be displayed up to three levels only. Please refer to APPENDIX H. 1. 11 List of tables This page contains a list of all tables presented in the thesis. Information such as table numbers, table captions and the corresponding page numbers where the tables 5 appear must be shown clearly in the list. The list must be ordered by chapter. Please refer to APPENDIX I. 1. 12 List of figures All illustrations included in the text such as maps, charts, drawings, graphs, pictures and photos are considered as ‘Figures’. The list of figures contains all the figure numbers, titles and the corresponding page numbers on which they appear. The list of figures must be ordered by chapter. Please refer to APPENDIX J. 1. 13 List of symbols and abbreviations This page lists down all the symbols, abbreviations, nomenclature and terminology used in the text. The order of writing them is as follows: Roman letter alphabetical order Greek letter alphabetical order Superscript alphabetical order Subscript alphabetical order Please refer to APPENDIX K. For further information on spelling and abbreviations, students are advised to refer to the latest edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary published by Oxford University Press. 1. 14 List of appendices. This page lists down the appendices included with the thesis. Please refer to APPENDIX L. 1. 15 Text Text in the thesis must be organised in titled chapters. The titles must reflect the content of the chapter. Every chapter must begin on a new page. Chapters can be divided into sub-chapters with corresponding sub-titles. Titles and sub-titles must be 6 numbered. Please refer to APPENDIX O. There is no restriction on the total number of chapters in a thesis. Generally, a thesis will have the following basic structure. (a) Introduction This chapter describes the aim, objectives and scope of the research as well as the structure of the thesis. (b) Literature review The literature review is a critically written and comprehensive account of the published works on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. It is directly related to the thesis, providing information on theories, models, materials and techniques used in the research. c) Methodology This important chapter explains in detail the samples, instruments, materials, procedures and data gathering methods used in the research. (d) Data analysis and results This chapter explains the data analysis techniques and results through written text, figures, tables, and/or other means. (e). Discussion and conclusions In this chapter, the writer discusses the results and research findings by comparing them with the previous research work mentioned in the literature review chapter. Conclusions are drawn based on the research findings and their implications. Future works are also discussed. Students who need to translate their theses are advised to refer to the latest edition of Gaya Dewan Bahasa dan Pedoman Translasi published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 1. 15. 1 References in the text When an information or idea is taken from a source, the author of the source must be acknowledged in the text. References cited in the text must be written according to the style prescribed in CHAPTER 3: FORMAT OF REFERENCES. 7 1. 15. 2 Tables in the text All tables must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Table numbers must be linked to the chapter number. For example, the third table appearing in Chapter 4 is numbered, â€Å"Table 4. 3†. The caption for a table is placed 1. 5 lines above the table and written in Times New Roman font, size 12 without a period at the end and left justified with single line spacing between lines. The text in the table must be written using Times New Roman font, size 10 and single line spacing between lines. If a table extends beyond the end of a page, its continuation on the next page must, for example, be labeled, â€Å"Table 4. 3 (continued)†. As an example, please refer to Table 1. 1 on pages 12. If a table is taken from a particular source, the source must be stated at the end of the caption. Please refer to APPENDIX N. A table can only be presented after it is cited in the text. All tables that appear in the text must be listed in the list of tables as shown in APPENDIX I. 1. 15. 3 Figures in the text All figures must be of high quality and numbered using Arabic numerals. Figure numbers must be linked to the chapter number. For example, the third table/graph/chart/etc appearing Chapter 4 is numbered, â€Å"Figure 4. 3†. The caption for a figure is placed 1. 5 lines below the table/graph/chart/etc and written in font size 12 without a period at the end with single line spacing between lines. If a figure extends beyond the end of a page, its continuation on the next page must, for example, be labeled, â€Å"Figure 4. 3 (continued)†. If a figure is taken from a particular source, the source must be stated at the end of the caption. Please refer to APPENDIX N. A figure is best placed immediately after it is cited in the text. All figures that appear in the text must be listed in the list of figures as shown in APPENDIX J. Illustrations in diskettes, on slides or in other similar mediums must be placed inside a specially made pocket attached on the inside back cover of the thesis. Illustrations with large dimensions, such as plans and maps, must be reduced in size to fit into a single page. Illustrations must comply with the following conditions: 8 1. 15. 3. 1 Photographs Photographs used as illustration must be affixed in the text using high quality glue or other better techniques. 1. 15. 3. 2 Newspaper and other clippings. A clear and high quality photocopied version of the actual clipping must be used instead of the original. 1. 15. 3. 3 Maps and aerial photographs Maps and aerial photographs intended to be included in a thesis must have obtained prior written permission from the Ketua Pengarah Pemetaan Negara (Director General of National Mapping). Illustrations must be scanned and printed using a high resolution colour printer. 1. 15. 4 Mathematical equations Mathematical equations must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Equation numbers must be written at the end of the equation and linked to the chapter number. For example, the numbers (4. 3) and (4. 4) are given to the third and fourth equations respectively that appear in Chapter 4, as follows: y2= 32 + 3xy + C (4. 3) z = 106 + 9y5+84 + 7y6x5 + 6y5x4 + 54 + 4y4x3 + 3y3x2 + 2y2x + yx 1. 16 (4. 4) References References are the sources referred to when preparing a thesis and cited in the text of the thesis. Thesis writers are required to list down all cited materials in the list 9 of references (refer to APPENDIX P1 and APPENDIX P2). The list of references must be prepared according to the format prescribed in CHAPTER 3: FORMAT OF REFERENCES. 1. 17. Appendices (optional) The appendix section gives an author the opportunity to include materials that can provide additional information in the text to support the study. These materials include tables, charts, computer programmes and questionnaires. Here are some guidelines for the appendix. (a) Research data, tables, examples of questionnaires, maps, photos and other materials that are too long to be included in the text or are not directly required to comprehend the text can be included as appendices. Generally, tables and graphics that are more than two pages long should be put in the appendix section. (b) Appendices are labelled as APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc depending on the type and quantity of the materials. Appendices can also be given specific titles. 1. 18 Vita Students must provide a one-page â€Å"Vita† of themselves to be placed at the end of the thesis after the appendices. This â€Å"Vita† page is unnumbered. See APPENDIX Q for an example of the â€Å"Vita† page. CHAPTER 2 SIZE AND FORMAT 2. 1 Paper quality and size Only high quality A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) white simili paper, weighing 80 grams, may be used for the thesis. 2. 2 Margin The margins should be 4 cm from the left, 2. 5 cm from the top, 2. 5 cm from the right and 2. 5 cm from the bottom, on every page including the cover. 2. 3 Page numbering Number the pages according to the sequence given in Table 1. 1. The page number must be written at the top right corner, 1. 5 cm from the top and 2. 5 cm from the right, measured from the last digit of the page number. The page numbering system must conform to the following rules: (i) The preface of the thesis, starting from the title page, must be numbered using lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii and so on); the text pages and the rest of the thesis must be numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on). (ii). The first page of the thesis, the title page, is an unnumbered page ‘i’. (iii) The first page of Chapter 1 is unnumbered but is considered as page ‘1’. The same applies to the first page of all the following Chapters, where the first 12 page is unnumbered but taken into account for the purpose of numbering the subsequent pages. 2. 4 Numbering of chapters and sub-chapters Chapters and sub-chapters must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Chapters are numbered CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2, CHAPTER 3, and so on. Sub-chapters are nested, but its numbering is not indented, up to a maximum of 4 levels as in the example shown below: CHAPTER 2 First level (Chapter number) 2. 1 Level 2 (sub-title); 2. 1. 1 Level 3 (sub-sub-title); 2. 1. 1. 1 Level 4 (sub-sub-sub-title) If a chapter title or sub-title at any level exceeds a single line, the spacing between the lines must be the same as that of the text. Subsequent sub-chapters beyond the fourth nesting level must be numbered using alphabets. The distance between the title number and the title is one (1) cm irrespective of its nesting level (refer to APPENDIX R). 2. 5 Typing The thesis should be typed out on a computer in Times New Roman font, size 12, and using Microsoft Word version 6. 0 or later, except for tables and figures (refer to 1. 14. 2 and 1. 14. 3). Words in a language that is different from the language of the thesis must be typed in italics. The spacing between text lines should be 1. 5 lines. Text should be typed on one side of a paper only. Chapter titles should be typed with capital letters and centered between the left and right margins. Each chapter must begin on a new page. Chapters and subchapters should be titled. Titles should be typed in bold without underline. Only the first letter of the first word of a sub-title should be in uppercase. 13 2. 6 Spacing and format. Students must adhere to the following text spacing guidelines: (i) The spacing between the upper margin and a chapter number is 2. 5 cm. (ii) The spacing between the chapter number and the chapter title is 4 lines. (iii) The spacing between the chapter title and the first line of text is 2 lines. (iv) The spacing between a sub-title and the last line of the preceding text is 2 lines. (v) The spacing between a sub-title and the first line of the following text is 2 lines. (vi) There should be no spacing between paragraphs. (vii) Start a sub-title, including its numbering, from the left margin. (viii). Start the first line of text of the first paragraph below the sub-title without any indent, beginning from the left margin; the following paragraphs should be indented 1. 27 cm from the left margin. (ix) Do not start the first sentence of a new paragraph at the bottom of a page if the space available can only fit one line. (x) The text should be left justified except for the first line of the first paragraph in a section. (Refer to (viii) above). The author is responsible for removing any excess space between words. (xi) The spacing between the last line of text and a Table, Figure or Illustration should be 1 line. (xii) The spacing between a period (. ) and the first letter of the next sentence of the same paragraph is at least one (1) character. (xiii) 2. 7 The spacing after a comma (,) is at least one (1) character. Printing of documents Theses must be typed out using a computer and printed using a laser printer or a printer with an equivalent print quality. 14 2. 8 Letterings and drawings Letterings and drawings should be clear so that copies made will be of satisfactory quality without any loss of information. 2. 9 Maximum number of pages The maximum number of pages for a thesis is as follows: Undergraduate Project Report: should not exceed 100 pages Master’s Project Report and Thesis: should not exceed 200 pages Doctor of Philosophy Thesis: should not exceed 300 pages These limits do not include tables, diagrams and other illustrations except appendices. Students who intend to write a thesis that exceeds the given limit must obtain a written approval from the Dean of the Centre for Graduate Studies or the Dean of the Faculty (for undergraduate reports) by submitting an application through their supervisors. 2. 10 Binding All theses must be bound. A thesis must be temporarily bound (spiral binding) for the purpose of examination, and may only be hard-bound after obtaining the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee or other committee(s) for the related programme. 2. 10. 1 Cover colour and letterings For submission to the University, theses must be permanently bound with buckram covers and gold letterings using regular Times New Roman font, size 18. The colour codes for the cover are as follows: (i) Doctor of Philosophy Thesis: Black (585) (ii) Master’s Thesis: Moss Green (557) (iii) Undergraduate Project Report: New Blue (550) 15 2. 10. 2 Cover The thesis cover must be of A4 size (210mm x 297mm). The title, author’s name and the words ‘Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia’ must be written in capital letters on the front cover of the thesis, as shown in APPENDIX S. 2. 10. 3 Spine The abbreviated name of the University, â€Å"UTHM†, the author’s name, the month and the year the thesis is approved* and the level of study must be stated on the spine, as shown in APPENDIX T. *Date of status confirmation for undergraduate Project Report/Master’s Project Report/Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Thesis (Refer Appendix A1-A4) 2. 10. 4 Trimming. The thesis can only be trimmed by 2. 5 mm on each side of the A4 paper during binding. CHAPTER 3 FORMAT OF REFERENCES 3. 1 Introduction Sources that are referred to in a thesis, whether published or not, must be stated. The source of information must be acknowledged in the text as well as in the reference list. Proper acknowledgement is important because it will help others locate and verify the original sources. Furthermore, proper citation can avoid allegations of plagiarism. Acknowledgements in the text must be linked to the list of reference using the â€Å"Author (Date)† system or the â€Å"Number (IEEE) Format†. 3. 2 Author (Date) System The system is also known as the American Psychological Association (APA) system. 3. 2. 1 Citing references in the text A reference can be written in a sentence itself or at the end of a sentence. (a) In the Author (Date) style, the year of publication must be placed in brackets after the name of the author. For example; According to Mohamed (2005), a large proportion of scheduling problems in the various sectors, such as economic and engineering, can be classified with a class of problems known as constrained optimisation. (b). If a reference is not cited in the sentence itself, the author’s name and year of 17 publication must be written within brackets. For example; Therefore, research on effective solution methods for constraint optimisation has become the focus of current research (Mohamed, 2005). (c) If a source of reference is authored by two people, state both authors’ names. For example; Maintenance scheduling has been researched for a long time, for example in the generation of power by Kralj Petrevic (1995) (d) If a reference contains three authors, state all three names the first time it is referred to in the text. For the second and subsequent times it is mentioned, state only the first author’s name followed by â€Å"et al. † and year. For example; A study by Alias, Black Gray (2002) shows that engineering students have lower spatial visualisation ability than required. Since this ability is important in solving engineering problems, it needs to be improved among engineering students (Alias et al. , 2002). (e) For a reference with four or more authors, state only the name of the first author followed by â€Å"et al. † and year. (f). Use lowercase letters (a, b, c) to differentiate between two or more publications published in the same year by the same author. For example; An example of an application that uses a constraint programming language is ILOG Solver by Puget and Albert (1994a). In addition, Puget and Albert (1994b) also found that the use of object is widespread, especially within artificially intelligent programming. (g) Secondary sources may not be cited. Thesis authors must refer to the original reference source. An example of a secondary source is given below: Ali (in Abu, 2000) emphasised that . 3. 2. 2 Writing cited information There are three main ways to acknowledge the source of an idea or information cited in the text, namely (a) quotation, (b) paraphrasing and (c) summarising. examples that follow are based on the following excerpt: The 18 Biological time is not only scientifically important, but it also greatly affects the productivity and health of a nation. The cost to the nation’s health of working out of phase with our biological clocks is probably incalculable at present. In the short term, poor sleep, gastrointestinal problems, higher accident rate, and social problems are evident. (p. 1000) Source: Rajaratnam, S. (2001). Health in a 24-hr society. Lancet, 358, pp. 999 – 1005. 3. 2. 2. 1 Quotation Words of an author may be quoted exactly by the writer to support an argument. When a direct quotation from a source is taken, it should run into the text with double quotation marks if it is reasonably brief (three (3) or less sentences) with the end-of-sentence period in the normal place. (a) Emphasis on the writer To give emphasis to the writer, the author’s name is written at the beginning of the sentence. For example; Rajaratnam (2001) concluded that, â€Å"The cost to the nation’s health of working out of phase with our biological clocks is probably incalculable at present. † (p. 1000). Furthermore (b) Emphasis on the idea To emphasise the idea, the author’s name is written at the end of the sentence. For example; A lot of discussion has been made on the cost of working out of phase with our biological clocks. â€Å"The cost to the nation’s health of working out of phase with our biological clocks is probably incalculable at present† (Rajaratnam, 2001, p. 1000). Therefore, A quotation containing more than three sentences must be set off from the text as a paragraph on its own with 1 cm indent, placing the period at the end of the quoted text with no period after the reference citation page number. Single spacing should be used for block quotations. For example; According to a renowned scholar (Rajaratnam, 2001), Biological time is not only scientifically important, but it also greatly affects the productivity and health of a nation. The cost to the nation’s health of working out of phase with our biological clocks is probably incalculable at present. In the 19 short term, poor sleep, gastrointestinal problems, higher accident rate, and social problems are evident. (p. 1000) 3. 2. 2. 2 Paraphrasing The paraphrasing method is used to acknowledge information taken from the original author by rewording the original text without altering its meaning nor providing the writer’s own interpretation. For example; Rajaratnam (2001) argues that while the notion of biological time is of scientific importance, it is also economically and socially significant at a national level. He points to the health, productivity and social problems which may be attributed to individuals working â€Å"out of phase† with their internal clocks. 3. 2. 2. 3 Summarising The writer may summarise cited text in his/her own words to present the key points of an author’s arguments or ideas, without altering the meaning. For example; In his conclusion, Rajaratnam (2001) points to the possible economic and social costs incurred by a nation, when individuals work â€Å"out of phase† with their biological clocks. 3. 2. 3 Writing the reference list All sources of reference that are cited in the thesis must be listed at the end of the text under the title â€Å"REFERENCES†. Do not use the word â€Å"BIBLIOGRAPHY† because it indicates a list of all sources that was referred to including those not cited in the text. The reference list must be in alphabetical order. Two or more sources by one author must be listed in chronological order. For example a 2002 publication by Suradi must be listed before his 2007 publication. 20 3. 2. 4 Writing the names of authors. In general, an author’s surname (family name) or patronymic name (father’s name) is written first followed by the initials of his/her other names. This is a common system used in academic writing internationally. Examples of how to write an author’s name are as follows: (i) Name : Malik ibn Anas : Ibn Anas, M. Name : Tan Beng Keat : Tan, B. K. Name : Raymond Tan Beng Keat : Tan, R. B. K. Name : Srinivasan Venkataraman : Venkataraman, S. Name : S. N. Gupta : Gupta, S. N. Name : Pretam Singh Written as : Singh, P. Name : Yasunori Matsufuji Written as (x) : Al-Attas, S. M. N. Written : (ix) : Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas. Written as (viii) Name Written as (vii) : Abdullah, M. N. Written as (vi) : Mohd Noor Abdullah Written as (v) Name Written as (iv) : Pavlovic, J. N. Written as (iii) : John Neville Pavlovic Written as (ii) Name : Matsufuji, Y. 3. 2. 5 References from different types of sources In thesis writing, references can be made to various types of sources. The following examples can be used as a guide in writing the different types of sources in the reference list. 21 3. 2. 5. 1 Books The major elements that must be included when an article is taken from a book are as follows: Author (Year). Title of book. Edition. Location: Publisher. An example of a reference by one author; Race, P. (2002). How to Get a Good Degree: Making the Most of Your Time at University. Buckingham: Open University Press. An example of a reference by two or three authors; Creme, P. Lea, M. R. (2003). Writing at University. 2nd ed. Maiden: Open University Press. Delamont, S. , Atkinson, P. Parry, O. (2004). Supervising the Doctorate: A Guide to Success. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Society for Research into Higher Education Open University Press. For publications that have more than one author, the word â€Å"and† and â€Å"dan† is replaced by the symbol â€Å"†. If the book has an editor, the name of the editor must also be written. The general format is as follows: Editor (Ed. ) (Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher. As an example; Martin, A. M. (Ed. ) (1991). Peat as an Agent in Biological Degradation of Waste. London: Elsevier. The page numbers are required if the editor edits part of the book. As an example; Lees, R. H. (Ed. ) (1974). Chemical Nomenclature Usage. Chischester: Ellis Horwood. pp. 314-362. 3. 2. 5. 2 Articles from books The major elements that must be included when an article is taken from a book are as follows: Author (Year). Title of article. in Author. Title of book. Location: Publisher. Page numbers. For example; 22 Sarmani, S. (1987). Pencemaran Radioaktif. in Mohamad, A. B. (Ed. ). Perspektif Persekitaran. Petaling Jaya: Fajar Bakti. pp. 71 -87. 3. 2. 5. 3 Articles from journals The major elements that must be included when an article is taken from a journal are as follows: Author (Year). Title of article. Title of journal, vol. no. (issue no. ), page numbers. For example; Mikac, N. Branica, M. (1994). Complexation of trialkyllead with diethyldithiocarbonate. Electroanalysis, 6(2), pp. 37 – 43.